Same way, you will find every biography of Iqbal , emphasizing that his forefathers were Hindu Kashmiri Brahmins. Why should they say that?
Is he NOT good enough as a stand alone Muslim?
Need I say anything more?
This post is in response to one of my readers Kumar.
Really I do NOT care for poet Iqbal, though I have sang his song Saare Jahan se Achcha as part of the Kendriya Vidyalaya School choir . Pakistanis deserve Iqbal.
But my heart bleeds for the poor people of Palestine , who trusted the No 1 Muslim poet ( as tom tommed by Rothschild media ) of the planet , not to let them down.
Here was a Muslim who kept giving unsolicited proof that his forefathers were Sapru clan , Kashmiri Pandit Brahmins. But what I do not understand is why his father Shaikh Noor Mohammad was a poor illiterate tailor.
Iqbal was taken to Germany by Rothschild to introduce him to the "two nation theory " for divide and rule.
Iqbal was taken to Germany by Rothschild to introduce him to the "two nation theory " for divide and rule.
Till he was unleashed back into India from Germany, by German Jew Rothschild , totally brainwashed by a Jewish honey trap --a gorgeous German girl by the name of Emma Wegenast, Indians lived in harmony as Muslims and Hindus --with a common enemy, the British.
During the 1857 freedom war, Hindus and Muslims --all Indians-- fought shoulder to shoulder against the foreign white invader , the British. British East India Company was owned by German Jew Rothschild, who gre opium in India and sold it in China.
Iqbal is highly respected in Pakistan. In fact he is No 1 citizen of Pakistan, even ahead of Jinnah.
At Heidelberg Germany, one street ( at Marriott Hotel over looking river Neckar ) is named after Iqbal called IQBAL UFER.
Why not?
Rothschild rewarded him for his role in pouring cold water over Muslim world anger over Palestine and ending the powerful Ottoman empire at Turkey.
Today Rothschild holds Bilderberg conference at Istanbul and the Turkish army and economy/ banks are controlled by the Jews.
Iqbal was first noticed by Rothschild , as a piece of clay to be moulded, when he wrote something which surprised everybody.
Mind you, at this time the freedom movement was in full swing in India, especially in the area where he lived.
Upon the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, Dr. Iqbal penned an epicedium of ten pages, entitled “Tears of Blood “.
The Queen died on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, and Iqbal the slave wrote :
"Happiness came, but grief came along with it,
Yesterday was Eid, but today muharram
(Month of the year associated with the deepest mourning
Yesterday was Eid, but today muharram
(Month of the year associated with the deepest mourning
for Muslims) came.
"Easier than the grief and mourning of this day,
Would be the coming of the morn of the day of judgment.
"Ah! the Queen of the realm of the heart has passed away,
My scarred heart has become a house of mourning.
"O India, thy lover has passed away,
She who sighed at thy troubles has passed away.
"O India, the protective shadow of God has
been lifted from above you,
been lifted from above you,
She who sympathised with your inhabitants has gone.
"Victoria is not dead as her good name remains,
this is the life to whomever God gives it.
this is the life to whomever God gives it.
"May the deceased receive abundant heavenly
reward, and may we show goodly patience."
reward, and may we show goodly patience."
(Baqiyyat-i Iqbal, Poem runs over pages 71– 90.)
In 1905, Iqbal was a lecturer at the Government College, Lahore . He was invited by a student Lala Har Dayal to preside over a function. Instead of delivering a speech, 27 year old Iqbal sang Saare Jahan Se Achcha.
The song, in addition to embodying yearning and attachment to the land of Hindustan, expressed "cultural memory" and had an elegiac quality. This poem shows his mindset—his love for his motherland Hindustan where he saw everything through a secular broad prism.
This lovely poem stirred the imagination of Indians and the Muslim world. His reach to the Muslim world would be like a 1000 newspapers .
Then hey-presto—he was whisked away by Rothschild to England and Germany, where he would be tutored and brainwashed for three years . While in England , Rothschild made sure that he was inducted into the executive committee of the Muslim League's British chapter in 1908. He was instrumental in drafting the constitution of Muslim League.
He would later divide the Hindus and Muslims of India, he would put the last nail in the coffin of the Ottoman Caliph at Istanbul and he would keep the Muslim opinion for the people of Palestine in reign.
This is the meaning of being a DOUBLE AGENT, gentlemen. What do you know of the world of double agent deceit?
Mahatma Gandhi was one.
Punch into Google search:--
In December 1911, on the occasion of the coronation of King George V, Iqbal wrote and read out a poem entitled `Our King':
"It is the height of our good fortune,
That our King is crowned today.
"By his life our peoples have honour,
By his name our respect is established.
"With him have the Indians made a bond of loyalty,
On the dust of his footsteps are our hearts sacrifced."
(Baqiyyat-i Iqbal, p. 206.)
Our Indian Rothschild stooge Rabindranath Tagore would NOT be outdone. He wrote even a more servile poem, which we Indians sing as our national anthem.
He outdid Iqbal by miles for in addition to become a SIR ( Knight ) , he also secured for himself a Nobel prize.
Punch into Google search :-
Why do I call Tagore a Rothschild stooge?
Punch into Google search :-
Then came the Rowlatt act , which both Hindus and Muslims opposed tooth and nail. The Muslims were more angry with the British those days and Christians snatched away Hindustan from the Muslims—NOT the Hindus.
Even Gandhi was unable to keep things smooth for the British.
Drafted by a British judge Sir Sidney Rowlatt, this act effectively authorized the British government to imprison for a maximum period of two years, without trial, any person suspected of terrorism living in the Raj and gave British imperial authorities power to deal with revolutionary activities. The unpopular legislation provided for stricter control of the press, arrests without warrant, indefinite detention without trial, and juryless in camera trials for proscribed political acts. The accused was denied the right to know the accusers and the evidence used in the trial.
The Rowlatt Act came into effect in March 1919. In the Punjab the protest movement was very strong, and on April 10, two outstanding leaders of the congress, Dr. Satya Pal and Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew, were arrested and taken to an unknown place ( they imprisoned them secretly in Dharamsala ) . A protest was held in Amritsar, which led to the infamous Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919.
When all these violent protests against the impending Rowlatt act was going on what does Rothschild stooge Iqbal do?
At the request of criminal Sir Michael O'Dwyer, governor of the Punjab, Iqbal chose to eulogize the empire in the wake of the infamous Rowlatt Act. In it, addressing the King of England, Iqbal says:
"If there is freedom of speech and writing here, if there is peace between the Temple and the Mosque here,
"If there is an organised system of business of the various peoples here, if there is strength in the dagger and life in the sword here,
"Whatever there is, it has been granted by you, O honoured one, this land is alive only because of your existence.
"I am the tree of loyalty, love is my fruit, a just witness to this statement are my actions.
"Sincerity is selfless, so is truth selfless, so is service, and so is devotion selfless,
"Pledge, loyalty and love are also selfless, and devotion to the royal throne is also selfless,
"But being human the thought which arises naturally is, that your favours are manifest upon India."
This was published in the paper Akhbar-i Haq, the magazine Zamana of Kanpur, and the book Hindustan aur Jang 'Alamgir (`India and the World War') by L. Ralya Ram. It was then published in Baqiyyat-i Iqbal, on pages 216 to 219. It was first read out by Dr. Iqbal himself at the Punjab University Hall, Lahore.
USSR had a lot of Muslim areas . Iqbal kept the Muslims ( who looked to him for spiritual guidance ) under control during the Bolshevik revolution, against the Russian Czar. How many of you know that Karl Marx was of Rothschild German Jew blood?
How many of you know that Trotsky, Lenin , Stalin , Gorbachev, Yeltsin etc were Jews controlled by Rothschild ?
Even today many leftists and Communists claim Iqbal’s legacy, particularly citing masterpieces like ‘Karl Marx Ki Awaz’, ‘Bolshevik Roos’, ‘Saqi Nama’,‘Lenin Khuda Ke Huzoor Maen’, ‘Saqi Nama’, ‘Iblees Ki Majlis-e-Shoora’, ‘Sarmaya o Mehnat’ etc.
How many of you know that Trotsky, Lenin , Stalin , Gorbachev, Yeltsin etc were Jews controlled by Rothschild ?
An Indian communist Shamsuddin Hasan declared “ Even a half-wit can see by reading his works Khizr-i-Rah (The Journey’s Guide) and Payam-i-Mashriq (The Message of the East), that Allamah Iqbal is not only a communist-- but communism’s high priest”.
A harried Iqbal who never expected intelligent critics , made a pathetic defence the very next day in the daily Zamindar as follows:
“I am a Muslim and believe, on the basis of logical reasoning, that the Holy Qur’an has offered the best cure for the economic maladies of human societies. No doubt the power of capitalism is a curse if it exceeds the limits of the happy mean. But its complete elimination is not the right way for freeing the world from its evils as the Bolsheviks propose. Russian Bolshevism is a strong reaction against the selfish and short-sighted capitalism of Europe. But in fact the European capitalism and the Russian Bolshevism are two extremes. The happy middle path is what the Holy Qur’an has shown to us and to which I have alluded above. The equitable Shariah aims at protecting one class from the economic domination of the other, and in my belief, the path chosen by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is the one best suited for this purpose.”
It was a bit too late for lame excuses.
It was a bit too late for lame excuses.
In the following verse Iqbal calls Rothschild's blood relative Karl Marx a Prophet (sic!) :
وہ کلیم بے تجلی وہ مسیح بے صلیب
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در یغل دارد کت []
He a Moses without divine manifestation; he a Christ without a Cross? And though not a Prophet or Messenger of God but has got a Book in his bosom).
Now check out what Iqbal has to say about Jew Lenin.
In Baal-e-Jibreel (Gabriel’s Wing), Allama Iqbal, the Muslim , describes the encounter of the Lenin with God. The discussion that went on between Lenin, God, and the angels during their meeting is spread over three poems.
In the first poem, “Lenin before God”, Lenin acknowledges the presence of God in the “nature’s infinite music”. With remarkable honesty, Lenin proceeds to describe the situation on Earth to God. Here, instead of flattering the Deity, Lenin files his complaint:
Omnipotent, righteous, Thou; but bitter the hours,
Bitter the labourer’s chained hours in Thy world!
When shall this galley of gold’s dominion founder?
Thy world Thy day of wrath, Lord, stands and waits.
After hearing the fiery address of Lenin, the angles also express their support for the Lenin’s arguments in “Song of the Angles”, and request the God to bestow another glance to the earth:
Reason is unbridled yet,
Love is still a dream;
Thy work remains unfinished still,
O Craftsman of Eternity!
In the concluding part of the sequel, “God’s Command to his Angles”, the Lord, convinced and moved by the contentions of Lenin, orders the angels to provoke a revolution on Earth:
Rise, and from their slumber wake the poor ones of My world
Shake the walis and windows of the mansions of the great!
Kindle with the fire of faith the slow blood of the slaves
Make the fearful sparrow bold to meet the falcon’s hate!
Close the hour approaches of the kingdom of the poor—
Every imprint of the past find and annihilate!
Find the field whose harvest is no peasant’s daily bread—
Garner in the furnace every ripening ear of wheat!
Banish from the house of God the mumbling priest whose prayers
Like a veil creation from Creator separate!
God by mm’s prostrations, by man’s vows are idols cheated-.
Quench at once in My shrine and their fane the sacred light!
Rear for me another temple, build its walls with mud—
Wearied of their columned marbles, sickened is My sight!
All their fine new world a workshop filled with brittle glass-
Go! My poet of the East to madness dedicate.
To find out how the Jews killed the Czar and established communism in USSR, --
What is the Khilafat movement?
The Khilafat was not a religious movement or a fight for Indian independence, but rather a show of solidarity by Indian Muslims with their fellow Muslims in Turkey. Ottoman emperor Abdul Hamid II (1876–1909) sent an emissary, Jamaluddin Afghani, to India in the late 19th century.
The cause of the Caliph evoked religious passion and sympathy amongst Indian Muslims as they considered him to be the supreme religious and political leader of all Muslims across the world, It had nothing to do with India. The Caliphate was an Islamic system of governance in which the state rules under Islamic law.
The cause of the Caliph evoked religious passion and sympathy amongst Indian Muslims as they considered him to be the supreme religious and political leader of all Muslims across the world, It had nothing to do with India. The Caliphate was an Islamic system of governance in which the state rules under Islamic law.
The Hindus under Gandhi supported the Khilafat movement and this amazingly strong Hindu Muslim unity upset Rothchild, the Jew.
The Khilafat Movement threatened to topple the entire system of European political secularism and constitutional democracy that the colonial West was forcing upon the colonized non-European world. A British strategy was devised, in collaboration with Mustafa Kamal’s newly emergent secular Republic of Turkey, to abolish the Ottoman Turkish Caliphate, and in so doing to sabotage and to bring about the collapse of the Indian Khilafat Movement with its alarming anti-white invader Hindu-Muslim Indian DNA alliance. The strategy succeeded with Iqbal's shrewd connivance.
With the last nail driven into the coffin of the Ottoman empire, the Caliphate was abolished in Turkey. The old Indian Muslim leadership, comprised of men who knew and lived Islam, went into irreversible decline. They were replaced at the helm of affairs by the secularly inclined Rothschild created ‘All India Muslim League’, monolopized by men with western education and westernized thought.
They presided over the cleverly disguised passage from Islam as the basis of political culture, to a new European-inspired political culture and conception of a modern state. It was deceptively spirited in by way of religious nationalism, and emerged as a curious creature named ‘Muslim nationalism’.
The passage from the one to the other was so cleverly disguised that it is still not discernible even to intellectual Muslims in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh . Iqbal had proclaimed that Islam is a branch of the original religion of Judaism – of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus.
Iqbal , the double agent, presided over the destruction of the Islamic Caliphate and the dismemberment of the Ottoman Islamic State and its replacement by the secular “made-by Rothschild” Republic of Turkey. For this a grateful Rothschild gave Iqbal the Nobel prize in 1922.
Something more about the widely misunderstood Khilafat movement.
The general impression among the Muslims of India was that the western Christain and Jew powers were waging a war against Islam throughout the world in order to rob it of all its power and influence. The Ottoman Empire was the only Muslim power that had maintained a semblance of authority and the Muslims of India wanted to save the Islamic political power from extinction.
The Turkish Sultans had claimed to be the caliphs of the Muslim world. As long as the Mughal Empire had been in existence, the Muslims of India had not recognized their claim. At this critical juncture, when the Muslims of the Sub-continent had no sovereign ruler of their own, they began to see the necessity of recognizing the Sultan of Turkey as their caliph.
Tipu Sultan was the first Indian Muslim who, having been frustrated in his attempts to gain recognition from the Mughals, had turned to the Sultan of Turkey to establish a legal right to his throne.
Mohammad Ali and his brother Maulana Shaukat Ali joined with other Muslim leaders such as Sheikh Shaukat Ali Siddiqui, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Raees-Ul-Muhajireen Barrister Jan Muhammad Junejo, Hasrat Mohani, Syed Ata Ullah Shah Bukhari, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Dr. Hakim Ajmal Khan to form the All India Khilafat Committee. The organization was based in Lucknow, India at Hathe Shaukat Ali, the compound of Landlord Shaukat Ali Siddiqui.
In 1920 an alliance was made between Khilafat leaders and the Indian National Congress, the largest political party in India and of the nationalist movement. Congress and Khilafat leaders promised to work and fight together for the causes of Khilafat and Swaraj. Seeking to increase pressure on the British, the Khilafatists became a major part of the Non-cooperation movement — a nationwide campaign of mass, peaceful civil disobedience.
The support of the Khilafatists ensure Hindu-Muslim unity during the struggle. The non-cooperation campaign was at first successful. Massive protests, strikes and acts of civil disobedience spread across India. Hindus and Muslims collectively offered resistance, which was largely peaceful. Gandhi, the Ali brothers and others were imprisoned by the British.
The Khilafat campaign was opposed by the Muslim League under Iqbal.
Ever since he came back from abroad till Rothschild stooge Kemal took over the Republic of Turkey, Iqbal took no active part in Indian politics. He did NOT spend a single minute fighting for freedom. He refused point blank to serve on the Khilafat Committee, giving a lame excuse that he did not favour the methods adopted by the sponsors of the Khilafat Movement.
While he was in jail in 1932, even Gandhi declared that Iqbal had become anti-nationalist. After going through an account of Iqbal's speech to the Muslim League published in the newspaper, he commented: "Other Muslims too share Iqbal's anti-nationalism; only they do not give expression to their sentiments. The poet now disowns his song Hindustan Hamara (India is Ours)."
The Ali brothers ( Maulanas Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali) regarded by Muslims , as founding-fathers of Pakistan criticised Gandhi's extreme and ridiculous commitment to non-violence after he suspended this non-cooperation movement after the killing of 23 policemen at Chauri Chaura in 1922, as per Rothschild’s wishes.
For, this was the condition upon which Gandhi was imported from South Africa to India by Rothschild (using Gokhale) and converted into a Mahatma.
Freedom fighting Hindus and Muslims were aghast that Gandhi betrayed their revolution by calling it off just when they had finally some hope of success. This was the first nation-wide Hindu-Muslim JOINT movement since the First War of Independence in 1857.
The entire bottom fell out of the historic Khilafat movement ( and with it the Swaraj movement ) when the Turks under the leadership of Rothschild stooge Kemal Ataturk decided to abolish the caliphate and declared themselves a republic.
Gandhi would now make Indians fight the Second World War for Rothschild, to carve out the state of Israel and 2.43 lakh ( 243,000 ) Indian soldiers would be killed in the worst and most dangerous areas of war.
For, this was the condition upon which Gandhi was imported from South Africa to India by Rothschild (using Gokhale) and converted into a Mahatma.
Freedom fighting Hindus and Muslims were aghast that Gandhi betrayed their revolution by calling it off just when they had finally some hope of success. This was the first nation-wide Hindu-Muslim JOINT movement since the First War of Independence in 1857.
The entire bottom fell out of the historic Khilafat movement ( and with it the Swaraj movement ) when the Turks under the leadership of Rothschild stooge Kemal Ataturk decided to abolish the caliphate and declared themselves a republic.
Gandhi would now make Indians fight the Second World War for Rothschild, to carve out the state of Israel and 2.43 lakh ( 243,000 ) Indian soldiers would be killed in the worst and most dangerous areas of war.
There is NO taking away the fact that Iqbal was a brilliant poet--in my opinion, much better than Rabindranath Tagore. Iqbal's poetic works are written primarily in Persian rather than Urdu. Among his 12,000 verses of poetry, about 7,000 verses are in Persian.
Let me put down our Indian National song for you--penned by Iqbal.
Let me put down our Indian National song for you--penned by Iqbal.
सारे जहाँ सेअच्छा हिन्दोस्तान हमारा
हम बुलबुले हैं इसकीये गुलसिता हमारा॥धृ॥
घुर्बत मे होअगर हम रहताहै दिल वतनमे
समझो वही हमेभी दिल हैजहाँ हमारा ॥१॥
परबत वो सबसे ऊंचा हमसायआसमाँ का
वो संतरी हमारा वोपासबा हमारा ।२॥
गोदी मे खेलतीहै इसकी हजारोनदिया
गुलशन है जिनकेदम से रश्क-ए-जनाहमारा ।३॥
ए अब रौदगंगा वो दिनहै याद तुझको
उतर तेरे किनारेजब कारवाँ हमारा॥४॥
मज़हब नहीं सिखाताआपस मे बैररखना
हिन्दी है हमवतन है हिन्दोस्तानहमारा ॥५॥
युनान-ओ-मिस्र-ओ-रोमासब मिट गयेजहाँ से
अब तक मगरहै बाकी नाम-ओ-निशानहमारा ॥६॥
कुछ बात हैकी हस्ती मिटतीनही हमारी
सदियो रहा हैदुश्मन दौर-ए-जमान हमारा॥७॥
इक़्बाल कोइ मेहरमअपना नही जहाँमे
मालूम क्या किसीको दर्द-ए-निहा हमारा॥८॥
[edit]Roman Transliteration
sāre jahāñ se acchā hindostāñ hamārā
ham bulbuleñ haiñ us kī vuh gulsitāñ hamārā
ġhurbat meñ hoñ agar ham, rahtā hai dil vat̤an meñ
samjho vuhīñ hameñ bhī dil ho jahāñ hamārā
parbat vuh sab se ūñchā, hamsāyah āsmāñ kā
vuh santarī hamārā, vuh pāsbāñ hamārā
godī meñ kheltī haiñ us kī hazāroñ nadiyāñ
gulshan hai jin ke dam se rashk-e janāñ hamārā
ay āb-rūd-e gangā! vuh din haiñ yād tujh ko?
utarā tire kināre jab kāravāñ hamārā
mażhab nahīñ sikhātā āpas meñ bair rakhnā
hindī haiñ ham, vat̤an hai hindostāñ hamārā
yūnān-o-miṣr-o-rumā sab miṭ gaʾe jahāñ se
ab tak magar hai bāqī nām-o-nishāñ hamārā
kuchh bāt hai kih hastī miṭtī nahīñ hamārī
sadiyoñ rahā hai dushman daur-e zamāñ hamārā
iqbāl! koʾī maḥram apnā nahīñ jahāñ meñ
maʿlūm kyā kisī ko dard-e nihāñ hamārā!
Better than the entire world, is our Hindustan,
We are its nightingales, and it (is) our garden abode
If we are in an alien place, the heart remains in the homeland,
Know us to be only there where our heart is.
That tallest mountain, that shade-sharer of the sky,
It (is) our sentry, it (is) our watchman
In its lap frolic those thousands of rivers,
Whose vitality makes our garden the envy of Paradise.
O the flowing waters of the Ganges, do you remember that day
When our caravan first disembarked on your waterfront?
Religion does not teach us to bear ill-will among ourselves
We are of Hind, our homeland is Hindustan.
In a world in which ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome have all vanished without trace
Our own attributes (name and sign) live on today.
Such is our existence that it cannot be erased
Even though, for centuries, the cycle of time has been our enemy.
Iqbal! We have no confidant in this world
What does any one know of our hidden pain?
Rothschild used BR Ambedkar and Iqbal worked in tandem to drive fissures into Indian society, by religion, catse , creed etc. Both of them had written and declared openly that India is better off under British rule.
In a dialogue with Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Iqbal had expressed his desire to see Indian provinces as autonomous units under the direct control of the British government and with no central Indian government.
Iqbal is the national poet , national philosopher , and spiritual father of Pakistan. He is also known as Allama Iqbal ( Muslim scholar ) , the Shair-e-Mashriq (Poet of the East), Muffakir-e-Pakistan (The Thinker of Pakistan) , Hakeem-ul-Ummat (The Sage of the Ummah) , ‘Qaomi Shayer’ (The National Poet), ‘Hakeem-ul-Umat’ (The Genius of Muslim Community), ‘Musawir-e-Pakistan’ (The Artist of Pakistan), ‘Mufaqir-e-Pakistan’ (Ideological Founder of Pakistan).
He was the political mentor of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Building a strong, personal rappot with Jinnah, Iqbal was an influential force in convincing Jinnah to end his self-imposed exile in London, return to India and take charge of the Muslim League, and work on the two nation theory.
This theory was NOT Jinnah’s.
His seminal 1930 presidential speech to the Muslim League in Allahabad lay the foundation stone of the new country that was yet to be. He did not live to see Pakistan’s creation , as he died in 1938, yet what may be called the “Pakistan Principle” was captured in his words:
“I would like to see the Punjab, Northwest Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state. Self-government within the British Empire or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North West Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims at least of Northwest India… India is the greatest Muslim country in the world. The life of Islam as a cultural force in this living country very largely depends on its centralization in a specified territory”.
Iqbal’s birthday is annually commemorated in Pakistan as Iqbal Day, a national holiday. Like for Gandhi in India Iqbal’s name is associated with many structures , like Iqbal Stadium in Faisalabad, Allama Iqbal Open University in Pakistan, the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore etc. His son Javid Iqbal has served as a justice on the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
It is on record that he had 3 official wives, several mistresses (one of which was attractive Atiyai Faizi ) and of course his German honeypot with whom he corresponded for many years by letters.
In November 1917 British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, the PM of England and the President of USA were USED by their master Lord Rothschild to carve out a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.
There was NOT a single Muslim who had the wisdom to cry out -"Listen we expect a poet like Iqbal to provide motivational fire, NOT take over the reins of our political negotiations"
Rothschild’s own puppet agency the League of Nations, in July 1922 , gave its official blessings to the mandate forged clandestinely be the Allies and World Zionism. Jewish immigrant hordes were pouring into Palestine and the Arab land was being seized and auctioned under the aegis of the mandatory Britain and in the name of agriculture and colonization.’
Iqbal was Rothschild’s DOUBLE AGENT.
It was he who kept repeating to the Muslim world that Jews had vacated Israel long ago and this area was occupied by Muslims.
Listen—all ye Muslims.
I am from Calicut in Kerala , India. The king of Calicut have been giving refuge to all Jews who were persecuted before Christ was born.
Take this from me-- a person who has perception.
The Judean Jews looked like the present day Jordanians and the present day Muslims in Palestine. The Jews you see in Israel today are NOT Judean descendants. They are from the Georgia Khazar area.
Just because a person is a Jew it does NOT make him a Judean.
In that case Indonesians must drive away Saudis from Mecca, and settle there —just because they are Muslim.
Iqbal assumed spiritual leadership ( as an agent and stooge of Rothschild ) of the high-powered Indian Muslim delegation to the Al-Aqsa Islamic Conference held in Jerusalem in 1930.
There was NOT a single Muslim who had the wisdom to cry out -"Listen we expect a poet like Iqbal to provide motivational fire, NOT take over the reins of our political negotiations"
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That conference was convened for the specific purpose of identifying and articulating the Islamic response to the fast-developing crisis in the Holy Land.
Muslims of today must review what all happened. They will know if they wish to open their eyes that Iqbal just let the Palestinians down, wholesale--.
It is difficult to wake up people pretending to sleep.
Punch into Google search-
If you put Ashwini Nachappa in Google search , you will find that all posts describe that she beat PT Usha twice-- in some insignificant bullshit meet, probably when she was having her periods. This is her claim to fame, in addition to her tight and revealing outfits. PT Usha's 400 metres hurdles National record still stands after 3 decades.
Same way, you will find every biography of Iqbal , emphasizing that his forefathers were Hindu Kashmiri Brahmins. Why should they say that?
Is he NOT good enough as a stand alone Muslim?
Need I say anything more?
Iqbal’s first wife was Karim Bibi. He had 2 children, Aftab and Mairaj with her. He hated her and this is the reason he went into the arms of Atiya Faizi. Her diary reveals that he was her lover—both loved each other passionately, and both were Islamic scholars.
He married his 2ndwife Sardar Begum twice. She was very beautiful , but someone wrote an anonymous letter to him about her loose character, and he divorced her on impulse immediately after the ceremony.
Later he married a 3rd woman Mukhtar Begum, chosen by his own sister , ( to make him stop his wayward behavior ) and after having sexual intercourse on his wedding night, he decided that she is ugly.
After this he sort of went berserk mentally for a while , and used to visit whore houses, where it is on British records that he murdered a prostitute. But his high connections saved him.
Then he married his 2nd wife again and had two children, Muneera and Javed, with her. Islamic scholars will say that he went against the Koran— as he could NOT marry Sardar Begum the 4th time, unless she got married and divorced first.
Local people vouch that Iqbal had a sexual relationship with the German governess Doris of his children Javed and Muneera . Probably, this was platonic as he really missed his first love , the gorgeous Emma Wegenast in Germany. For some time Iqbal lived with all his 3 Muslim wives-- with him caring only for Sardar Begum..
Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience.
Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience.
Grace and peace!
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