The ascetic prince Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings.
— 7000 year old Bhagavata Purana, 12.2.19-20 ( Tenth avatar of Vishnu ushering in Satya Yuga )
When you see a picture of Lord Shiva ,you see a cobra on his shoulders. This is a representation of a released Kundalini. His trident of Trishul depicts the Ida and Pingala Nadis with the central Sushumna
2000 years ago Jesus Christ came to Kerala in India , to raise his Kundalini under a proper Guru. He was here was more than 3 years before he went back to Jerusalem – by ship from Muzris ( Kodungallur ) to Bernice ( Egyptian port in Red sea ) , and then by land caravan route via the Egyptian pyramids.
Digression: Messiahs and prophets who go around with a sword or horseback killing people, cannot raise their Kundalini - now or ever.
Digression: Messiahs and prophets who go around with a sword or horseback killing people, cannot raise their Kundalini - now or ever.
Beware of fake Gurus on the Internet. One of my company's IT technicians from a Scandinavian country was running a Kundlini Clinic back home with his wife. Since he made a sea voyage on my ship, and I had several hours of interaction with him. I was able to gauge his knowledge about this ancient 11000 year old Indian Yoga. He knew nothing—and such fake people can cause enormous psychic damage to you.
In my opinion 20% of the mental patients on this planet have Kundalini damage trauma. Since modern science has not yet come into terms with consciousness , the most valuable and real thing in this cosmos, these poor people have to go through hell on earth. Modern science is so naive that it has NO place for the soul in the TOE ( theory of everything ). Remote viewing, ESP, clairvoyance, psychokinesis , telepathy etc are pseudo science for modern science.
This Kundalini raising methods are written down in our Sanskrit texts 7000 years ago. This is a proper science penned by noble and graceful Maharishi seers.
Now I will put 3 videos , to get you introduced to the QUANTUM world. Every atom in the universe , including the one in your body is connected to each other at the deepest level. This is mentioned in our Vedas and has been proved by the quantum scientists. There are NO objects in the cosmos--only vibrations of energy and relationships.
What is the use of living if you have not realised how you fit into the grand scheme of the quantum world and existence for all eternity? You as a person are intricately connected with the larger cosmos.
Modern religions which sprouted in the past 2500 years , have failed to elevate your perceptions . Your 5 human senses can detect only a small narrow segment of the energy scale--even a small child in school knows this today..
When you watch the introductory videos below feel the intimate connection between consciousness- (which is the basis of all that exists), and quantum mechanics of the cosmos.
All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms. There is a consciousness in every molecule of matter
The entire universe is a single living conscious organism with complete awareness of itself.
During this time of planetary transformation after 21stDec 2012, it is easy to increase the flow of ions upping the body’s dipole, increasing the EMF. Increased heart field and EMF of the nervous system during the peak Kundalini, acts like a biological synchrotron to actually change certain elements in the central nervous system into their high spin monatomic state.
Scalar waves encode the information of space and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns. Using your free choice to raise your Kundalini is the most important step in the development of a unifying world view that is capable of guiding humanity to a more healthy, peaceful, and prosperous future.
The earth completes its 26765 year cycle of precession on 21st Dec 2012.
The plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, and our planet will be showered by cosmic rays.
After Dec 21st 2012, human beings on this planet can shift to the wisdom mode (rather than the knowledge mode) if he exercises his free will.
Your Kundalini can be raised if you have the will.
The cosmic moment of December 21, 2012 starts a time window portal of 20 years for a global shift in consciousness—the "mass Kundalini awakening that brings about a great leap in cosmic consciousness “ resulting in universal brotherhood..
If at least 1 lakh ( 100 000 ) people can raise their Kundalini, a golden age will start for this planet. If not this planet misses a golden opportunity for another 25765 years, till Lord Brahma breathes out again-- to rescue the whole human race from a mental prison in which they have been incarcerated .
By changing your brain vibration > 40 Hz Gamma through altering the state of your consciousness , you can develop psychic powers. When you use psychic power you tap into the level of the universe, where individuality does not exist. At this level each of us is a part of a universal and cosmic consciousness where we are connected as though held together by invisible threads. This inter connectedness means that everything we do or think affects everything and everyone else. The brain does not create consciousness, rather-- consciousness created the brain.
The Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad is eighty-sixth among the 108 Muktika Upanishads, associated with the 7000 year old written text Krishna Yajurveda from India.
This process was understood by Greeks when Plato and Pythagoras studied in India .
It can be seen depicted even today in modern medical iconography as two snakes spiraling a central staff, and said to be derived from the Caduceus of the Greek god Hermes.
It can be seen depicted even today in modern medical iconography as two snakes spiraling a central staff, and said to be derived from the Caduceus of the Greek god Hermes.
Kundalini techniques are only communicated from master to disciple. First the Guru will decide if the disciple is ready for awakening his Kundalini. For this reason I will NOT take procedure questions vide the comments column. Fake con-men make money by writing Kundalini books and holding classes - without knowing that this is more dangerous than a quack writing a book on how to do intricate brain surgery.
People who have raised their Kundalini are least interested in impressing the others. You will find some sages coming down from the Himalayas for the 12 yearly Kumbh Mela. These sages can do extraordinary feats and miracles, yet they are naked , covered with ash to look repulsive and unwilling to be in the limelight.
Nowadays all on the Internet quote Pandit Gopi Krishna--as a man who raised his Kundalini, and wrote a book about it.
I have read this book PATH TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS several years ago, and I will comment that first of all he raised it via his Pingala Nadi , on his own , causing him to suffer-- like in hell --for many years, before he realised his mistake that the serpent is stuck in his Manipura Chakra . He had zilch idea what happened to him.
His Kundalini dropped back to Mooladhara Chakra and then he raised it again vide the correct Sushumna Nadi but still it did NOT reach his Sahasrara chakra.
What he describes are associated with a lower Ajna Chakra. Yes, he gained some powers like gaining spontaneous fluency in several European languages etc --
-- but then this is the DIRT UNDER THE FINGERNAIL of a sage who has raised it to his Sahasrara Chakra, and has harnessed the most powerful energy source on the planet.
Note: Many people like Pandit Gopikrishna have experiences in meditation when they feel the shakti rising through the spinal cord from mooladhara to the brain. And they think WOW -- we have raised the Kundalini.
However, in most cases, this is not the awakening of kundaiini, but a release of pranic force called pranotthana. This preliminary awakening starts from mooladhara and ascends the spinal cord via pingala nadi, only partially purifying the chakras until it reaches the brain where it is usually dispersed. This experience is traumatic. In this type of awakening the experience of shakti is rarely sustained. However, it does prepare the aspirant for the eventual awakening of kundalini, which is something altogether different and more powerful. After the awakening of kundalini, the individual will never be the same again. Here there is an ascent of force accompanied by a psychic awakening which is permanently accessible. Even though it may fall back again, the potential will always be there.
"As one opens the door with a key, so the yogi should open the gate to liberation with the kundalini. The great goddess sleeps, closing with her mouth,, the opening through which one can ascend to the brahrnarandhra... to that place where there is neither pain nor suffering. The kundalini sleeps above the kanda... she gives liberation to the yogi and bondage to the fool. He who knows kundalini, knows yoga. The kundalini, it is said, is coiled like a serpent- He who can induce her to move is liberated." Hatha Yoga Pradipika v. 105-111
Mata Amritanandamayi from Kerala , India , is a one woman Kundalini clinic. She has hugged 33 million people around the world . A lot of them needed this ONE single benevolent hug to drop down their stuck Kundalinis spewing venom, back to Mooladhara Chakra , to centre them and bring peace into their heart and souls.. All Pandit Gopikrishna needed was a single grounding hug from this woman.
When the laws about Kundalini are known, and the powerful energy experienced the life span of man will increase to as much as 120 years in this polluted age. Indian Maharshis lived to 180 years, in the Vedic age 7000 years ago when this planet has a proper OM resonating frequency.
If you have read Asterix and Obelisk comics, you would have noticed that Asterisk consumes a magic potion just before he fights, and then he gets superhuman smartness and strength.
Well in our 7000 year old Rig Veda 114 hymns expound a super hallucinatory drug , a million times more potent than LSD ( organic DMT ) by the name of Soma.
Soma was a juice extracted from a creeper which was picked on special days of the dark lunar fortnight. It was placed in an earthen pitcher and buried underground until the full moon. Then it was removed and the juice was extracted and taken. Drinking Soma induced immediate explosion into higher consciousness. By consuming Soma a human being can raise his Kundalini instantly. The sages could separate the self from the body and travel astrally.
The Templar Knights stumbled on to Soma while digging under the Temple of King Solomon. This is the elusive HOLY GRAIL for telepathy and psychic teleportation -- not what Dan Brown wrote in the Da Vinci code. Many achievers have used this dark Vedic secret. I cant reveal all the names. However i can say Leonardo Da Vinci , the great visionary was one of them. ( Nostradamus, the oracles of Delphi etc ).
WHAAA consuming drugs and raising Kundalini?
Well the left handed Vamachara path of Hinduism shows you to raise your Kundalini by a single act of sex.
Mulabandha is performed by contracting the perineum muscles that are in the flat space between the genital area the anus. The root lock has the effect of causing Prana to flow in Sushumna channel, rather than along Ida and Pingala. This is what happens when you avoid and prolong orgasm by muscle control. The female is in control and charge out here. OOPS--I've given away a TOP secret to them womens' libbers.
When you get very close to orgasm, and the male gets close to ejaculation, the feelings will be overwhelming and the brain tends to shut down and reverse the energy which will then take a downward course and seek release through the genitals. These energy changes are mediated by a small structure deep in the brain called the hypothalamus which controls the balance of the Autonomic System (ANS).
When both partners melt with each other, vital energy is exchanged between the masculine and the feminine, and the resonating energy build to higher levels. During fear, the etheric body shrinks and during love it expands. All our energy and vitality comes from the etheric body.
When both partners melt with each other, vital energy is exchanged between the masculine and the feminine, and the resonating energy build to higher levels. During fear, the etheric body shrinks and during love it expands. All our energy and vitality comes from the etheric body.
The right handed path revealed several ways including severely painful penances ( Tapasya ) , which were more rewarding.
Now, before I explain the nitty gritty of Kundalini, let me first explain the FRUIT --of raising Kundalini.
The female Shakti has now found blissful union with the male Shiva-- a great union of spirit and matter. A overwhelming bliss is felt , which mystically represents re-integration with Atman or the eternal essence of self. The soul finds itself free.
You have opened the gateway to higher realms. You have supersensory awareness while still awake in the physical body, and can leave and return to the body at will without any break in consciousness . The pineal gland shoots a spark into the pituitary, and the door of BrahmAn ( consciousness ) , the Brahmarandhra, is opened, never to close .
You become highly perceptive and can see complex problems as fractal geometry. Raising the Kundalini can be equated with the awakening of the silent areas of the brain .Our present consciousness is not independent, as the mind depends on the information supplied by the senses. If you have no eyes, you can never see. However, when the super consciousness emerges, experience becomes completely independent and knowledge also becomes completely independent, as you can access aakashik records.
Your mind attains supreme awareness, enlightenment and thus self realization. Unlike the rest around you, you have broken free from the confines of a mental prison in which the human race has been incarcerated for millennia. In society our brains are structured in a certain way; there is discipline and control which inhibit us from expressing ourselves freely. When the awakening of kundalini takes place, this conditioning is withdrawn and the lid is completely lifted from the mind.
With awakened consciousness you can make accurate decisions and judgments because awakening of kundalini is a process of jumping out of the mind. Shiva and Shakti are in total union and only adwaita exists You experience the bliss of non-dual experience . There is a great explosion which transports you into another plane of being .
You now have the ultimate experience of Life. You experience yourself as the greatest height and depth of God's being surrounded by an infinite eternal river of bliss. Space and time lose their rigidity, and there is a mingling of the past, the present, and the future.
In our dimension of consciousness, the world is not illusory. It is real. But in the next higher state of consciousness it loses its solidity. Chakras can then send out information carrying Soliton waves, which do not attenuate. The Indian sage has exploded into a space of consciousness in which inner awareness is spontaneous.
Cosmic consciousness is an intellectual enlightenment or illumination, an undescribable state of moral and intellectual elevation, a feeling of amazing bliss. Divine wisdom enables your consciousness to pick up and become aware of superphysical forces and phenomena.
Internal amrit or ambrosia floods your body. You now have good all round health with body cells charged with energy, better metabolism, clarity of vision, high perception, high quality of thinking , sharpened and wider human senses psychic abilities , better attitudes, clairvoyance and grace under pressure.
You have ignited an amazing dormant power inside you and now can do telepathy, mind reading, spiritual healing, hypnotism, hear clairaudiently , have ability to become invisible and levitate ( with 12 strand NIL junk DNA ) , stop your heart beat and breathing, learn new things quickly, do psychotelekinesis etc.
You have awakened your multi-dimensional consciousness, which is basically a DNA upgrade, with changes in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.. Shiva represents purusha or consciousness and Shakti represents prakriti or energy .
Yogis can live on ambrosial fluid. If its secretion is awakened and controlled in the body, then one needs nothing more for survival. The maintenance of the body's vitality becomes independent of food. You are able to enter into states of hibernation or suspended animation underneath the earth
We are composed of three bodies --
Physical body
Astral body
Causal body
Everyone is aware of their physical body which is detected by touch and sight sense , made of muscle , bone and blood. with its systems such as the nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, and so on.
Our astral body is subtle and cannot be seen or touched. It exists within the physical body and is a few inches bigger than the physical body all around. You can sense its presence when you stand very close to someone and you have the feeling of being in sync with them or not. This can be seen in Kirlean cameras. The etheric body is a sort of a blue print of the physical body. In the etheric body, also called the emotional body, feelings, sensations and thoughts exist as waves while they exist as particles in the physical body.
We have a causal body which exists within the astral and physical bodies, but is still larger and more subtle than the astral body. It carries our seed from one reincarnation to the next.
In kundalini yoga we are mainly concerned with working on the physical and astral bodies.
Pranayama is a yoga of breath , just one of the several methods , used to awaken the Kundalini – or rather disturb Shakti serpent from its deep slumber at the Mooladhara chakra at the bottom of your spine using heat. Originating in Muladhara chakra , the Ida nadi ends up in the left nostril and the Pingala nadi ends up in the right nostril.
Once awakened feminine Shakti is eager to mate with her male consort Shiva at the Sahasrara chakra on top of your head . Most human beings on this planet have never awakened the divine serpent of three and a half coils , and have led base , crude lives and passed on.
What a waste.
The serpent has 3 choices of pathway- the ida, the pingala or the central sushumna. If it passes via ida or pingala the serpent is likely to get stuck at some intermediate chakra ( due to block ) causing extreme trauma, as what happened to Pandit Gopikrishna ..
When the right nostril is flowing, the left hemisphere of the brain is activated. When the left nostril is flowing, the right hemisphere is activated.
Moving from macrocosmic to microcosmic to atomic, at every level, two great principles or forces can be seen at work motivating our universe.
In our 7000 year old vedic texts it is called Tamas-Rajas , in modern times it is called Yin-Yang.
Energy/ matter
Particle/ wave
Cathode/ anode
Conscious/ subconscious
Aerobic bacteria/ anaerobic
Catablism/ anabolism
Potential energy/ kinetic energy
Attraction/ repulsion
Excitation/ inhibition
Birth/ decay
Static / dynamic
Organic / inorganic
Freezing/ melting
Vaporization/ condensation
Positive pole/ negative pole
North pole/ southpole magnetic
Ionization/ de-ionistaion
Clockwise vortex/ counterclockwise vortex
Absorption/ secretion
Contraction/ relaxation
Evaporation/ condensation
Conscious/ Subconscious
Left brain lobe/ Right brain lobe
These dual poles are connected via consciousness.
This cosmic dance of separate forces , which sustains this universe is called the DANCE OF SHIVA..
It is about the quantum possibility wave vibration between two poles. Together they express the great void at absolute peace with itself.
It is a perfect tango of dynamic balance where one polar opposite changes into another smoothly and constantly . If the restraining balance or equilibrium is lost , the universe will spiral out of control and end. This guarantees change, growth and evolution.
Lessening of Yin- always results in increase of Yang and vice versa. One cannot exist without the other and they are dependant . No phenomenon in this universe is completely devoid of its opposite. They consume each other yet support each other. Whatever is in excess gets reduces, whatever is deficient gets replenished.
Balance can never be permanent— Ying and Yang continuously devour each other – and life flows on.
Conscious= induction + deduction ( determines what is to be done ). LEFT BRAIN LOBE ( for right handers ) : Numbers, written language, reasoning, spoken language, scientific skills , RH control
Subconscious = only deduction ( no thinking , draws conclusions, does not care for right or wrong, gives the power to do the job ) RIGHT BRAIN LOBE ( for right handers ): Insight, 3D forms , art, imagination, music, left hand control.
The central nervous system does not know the difference between visualization and the event. Visualizing you are having sex and doing the real thing has the same standing “ovation effect” on a man or a “creaming effect” on a woman.
The picture in our mind has an impact on every cell in our bodies. Thinking is not an action of the mind , but an action of our entire body. Tell your subconscious what you want repeatedly and it will produce it. You can call this visualization or intention. In India people realized this and more and more people started going the spiritual way for bliss.
The ancient Indian kings in all their practical wisdom realized this and made all those Hindu temples with stone statues amazing sexual content, to wean away a potential yogi who could have been a soldier or a farmer or a husband..
We are poised between life and death and our whole existence is a struggle to retain balance between these two dual forces. Vedic Maharishis who were yogis realized the existence of these forces and understood their relationship. They said that man has three main flows of energy nadis-- ida, pingala and sushumna, and which have been roughly translated as body, mind and spirit.
Pingala can be deemed as the dynamic, active, masculine, positive, yang , Tamas energy within our personality. It has a physical and mental side. Its material qualities are light, heat, solar, energy accumulating, creative, organizing, focused (centripetal) and contractive. The positive, dynamic mental side within Freud's system is Eros, the pleasure principle, and in Jung's system is the conscious personality, the rational, discriminating side. We can say that pingala is psychosomatic energy, outwardly directed, mind acting on body to motivate the organs of action, the karmendriyas. It is the basic energy of life.
Ida is the energy within the personality which is passive, receptive, feminine, negative, yin. At the physical level it is dark, cold, lunar, energy dissipating, disorganizing, entropic, expansive (centrifugal) and relaxing. At the mental plane Freud called it Thanatos, the death instinct, and Jung called it anima, the unconscious, female within, emotional, feeling, intuitive and non-discriminating, the background on which the differences can be seen and which unifies. This is the somopsychic aspect of man, where energy is inwardly directed, and body acts on the mind. Ida controls the sense organs or gyanendriyas and therefore gives us knowledge and awareness of the world we live in.
The third force if the mediator middle prong of Shiva’s trident called Sattva. When two opposing forces are equal and balanced a third force arises. Strike a match on a matchbox and you create fire, bring positive and negative currents together and you can work machinery, unite body and mind and a third force called sushumna, spiritual energy, arises.
This is one of the aims of yoga, because only when sushumna awakens can the super power of kundalini, this maximum force, ascend safely to fuel, power and create cosmic consciousness.
Sushumna is a high tension power line and ida and pingala carry the domestic lines to power the basic necessities. Few of us realise this third, spiritualized state and most of us oscillate from one state to another. Every 90 to 180 minutes ida and pingala alternate their dominance and only for a few minutes does sushumna come into potential being.
It is the goal of all yogic techniques to balance and harmonize ida and pingala, life force and conscious awareness, so that they join at ajna chakra to create the inner light of knowledge and bliss and reveal the truth.
Nadis are flows of energy which move through each and every part of our body, the subtle counterpart of the physical flows such as nervous energy and blood. All of the 72000 nadis in the body are based on ida and pingala which spiral around the spinal cord.
These are the basic two modes of function on which all of our bodily and mental processes work. Sushumna is the royal road which takes us to higher awareness and transforms the function of ida and pingala .
Each and every cell of our body, every organ, the brain and mind, everything is polarized and interconnected at both the physical and subtle levels, and this allows us to think, speak and act in a concerted, balanced, synchronous manner, every part working to help every other part.
There are two basic systems in the body that control this, ida and pingala, and if we stimulate any component of one system we turn on the whole system.
This is how asana, pranayama, meditation, and the whole armamentum of yogic techniques work. This is how yoga affects the nadis. Nadis are psychic channels for distribution of prana in the astral body.
The brain has an almost infinite capacity, and all of it within the two kilograms or so of amorphous, pinkish grey brain matter with the consistency of jelly . How this jelly-like substance remembers, thinks, analyzes, feels, discriminates, intuits, decides, creates and directs all the countless functions of the body, integrating the whole so that we synchronize action, speech and thought, is something that each of us should ponder about..
The brain, houses the master control systems for the body within its unlimited circuitry, and it contains the circuits for the nadis and chakras. The brain is also the interface between the body and the mind.
All sensory information travels to the brain via the gyanendriyas ( the sense organs of knowledge ), and is then fed into the mind, and all decisions in the mind are then translated into the body via the karmendriyas,( the organs of action ) , in a continuous, seamless , synchronous, dynamic process.
Sensory-motor nervous system (SMS) : all electrical activity in the body moves in one of two directions, into the brain (afferent), ida, and out of the brain (efferent), pingala. Yogis called the sensory nerves which are governed by ida, as gyanendriyas, The motor nerves, governed by pingala, as karmendriyas. These nerves are concerned with perception of and activity in the world.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is divided into the outward directed, stress handling, energy utilizing, pingala dominant, sympathetic nervous system, or the inwardly directed, rest handling, energy conserving, ida dominant, parasympathetic nervous system. These two systems control and regulate all the automatic body processes: heart, blood pressure, respiration, digestion, liver and kidney and so on.
Central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord and contains the controls for the SMS and ANS. The brain contains much more than this though, for it is a huge, ultimately complex computer, which stores and integrates information and puts our decisions into action in a superbly synchronized and orchestrated performance.
Its functioning is definitely much more than its parts. Within the infinite circuitry of the brain resides more potential than we can realize in one lifetime, however, the techniques of yoga systematically clear and strengthen these circuits with regular practice. This is what yogis have been telling us, that the circuitry for nadis and chakras exist within the CNS, along the spine and in the brain.
If we can tap, purify, strengthen and reconnect these circuits via the various yogic techniques, we can totally transform our mind/ body complex . Only when the left brain lobe (Pingala) and the right brain lobe (Ida) work together can we appreciate the moral of a story, the measuring of a metaphor, words describing emotion, or the punch line of a joke. A computer can never understand the moral of a story ( like stitch in time saves nine ) or a funny joke.
I once had a Chief Officer on my ship who had never ever breathed through his nose due to a bone overgrowth. Only I know what he was worth -- as such a man cannot go (or grow mentally) beyond a limit. He can never pass a Mensa test. They see the explicit, the facts, but cannot understand what has been implied. The important points in their sentences are lost and are submerged or flattened, becoming part of the background.
When one nostril has dominant air flow, the opposite hemisphere of the brain is dominant. Forceful breathing through the more congested nostril awakens the less dominant hemisphere The nasal cycle is also linked to the basic rest/activity cycle, which includes within the sleep cycle, the rapid eye movement (REM) phase and the non REM phase, because right nostril/left hemisphere dominance corresponds to phases of increased activity (pingala), and left nostril/right hemisphere dominance corresponds to rest phases (ida).
Buried within the brain are undreamed of capabilities and potentials which can transform our lives if we can tap them. . Chakras act as transducers, converting psychic energy into physical energy and vice versa. They distribute this energy to the body via the nadis.
The breath in the right nostril is related to pingala function (left brain), and in the left nostril is related to ida function (right brain). By controlling the speed, rate, rhythm, length and duration of the breath, by altering the ratio of inhalation to exhalation in the nostrils and by stopping the breath, we can activate or tone down neurological and mental processes so as to achieve heightened awareness and altered states of consciousness.
Each level in the chakra system is the sum total of various physical, emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual elements. Each chakra has its own neurological plexus and endocrine gland and these link up to various organs and systems in the body. They in turn are connected to the controlling mechanisms of the brain, each of which has emotional, mental and psychic components. The chakra is like a transducer, a linking point between the various levels of our being and it converts and channels energy either up or down to the various levels.
Ajna chakra has as its symbol the two-petalled lotus, and we can think of this as representing the two hemispheres of the brain with the pineal gland as its main focusing central point . Cosmic consciousness takes place in sahasrara. The human brain is still in an organic state of evolution toward higher levels of consciousness.
The driving force of that evolution, is the Kundalini energy. The Bose-Einstein photon condensate can be made to give off coherent laser like X-rays that can be precisely directed. Bose-Einstein condensates are weird states of particles that have the same energy level and behave like one super-particle.
This has been achieved with atoms of rubidium and certain other elements by cooling them close to absolute zero.
Kundalini Awakening is only triggered when you are ready to go through it, because your higher self is actually the source that triggers it. Your higher-self which is vastly intelligent is not going to give you something which is threatening to your survival. Resistance to change has always been the human problem, and this resistance comes from our fixed ego aspect.
Our true self wants to evolve and change. Kundalini awakening is a growing phenomenon and when it happens we cannot turn it off . Kundalini transformation has the purpose to dissolve the last elements of your ego and enlighten you in the body.
When the heart pumps blood into the mobius coil aorta, tiny mechanical vibrations (micromotions) develop in the upper body. If the body is completely immobile and respiration is slow and barely perceptible – as is the case in deep meditation – these micromotions will assume great regularity and oscillate at seven cycles per second (7.3 Hz- Hindu king mantra OM frequency ).
Subsequently scalar standing waves in and above the audio frequency range will develop in the ventricles of the brain. These causes the high-pitched soundsr which herald the activation of the Kundalini. The standing waves in the ventricles will stimulate an electrical loop circuit in the sensory cortex oscillating at 7.3Hz – which incidently is within the EEG theta frequency band.
As this oscillating current passes through the sensory cortex in a closed circuit, it will create different bodily sensations starting in the toes and moving up the body to the head. These are the sensations described by yogis, which accompany the Kundalini awakening. The 7.3 Hz oscillating current in the sensory cortex – set up by sitting immobile in meditation – also passes through the limbic system. Here it stimulates the pleasure centers in amygdala thereby initiating the Kundalini kindling phenomenon.
The kindling phenomenon speeds up the electrical loop system, which exists between the thalamus and the cortex. This extra supply of energy from lower centers causes a diffuse activation of the whole cortex reflected by increased synchronization and coherence of brain wave activity within all frequency bands. As the energy flows from the thalamus to the cortex and awakens latent or unused parts of the brain (especially in the frontal lobes) the whole brain begins to pulse as a unit generating coherent, high amplitude brain waves within a broad frequency spectrum.
During rest maximum amplitude will be in the alpha band but during intense focus high amplitude beta and gamma waves will prevail, especially in the frontal area.A ‘condensate’ is a substance whose molecules have a greater order and coherence than normal. In a ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ the molecules not only have a high degree of order but they also overlap and the condensate behaves like a unit.
Examples of ‘Bose-Einstein condensates’ in inorganic matter are superconductors and laser beams. By feeding extra energy to the cell walls of living tissue, the cells would line up in the most orderly, condensed way we know – the ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ – and the cell walls would start acting as a unit.
Apparently, when the brain is supplied with an extra amount of high grade energy (Kundalini) it becomes a ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’. Thus following Kundalini awakening, the brain turns into a super-conductor with a focus like a laser beam.
How else can you explain our 7000 year old texts giving the speed of light and the diameters and distances of the planets?
How did the ancient Hindus Maharishis know all this 11000 years ago--without a laser beam ?
Sun's diameter is 108 times that of the earth. The distance between the Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun . The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon. The radius of the moon is 108 miles.
Taking the mean distance between the earth and the Sun ( 149,597,870.691 km) and dividing it by the most commonly used diameter of the Sun (1,392,000 km) the result is -- 107.46973469181034482758620689655.
12 rashis) and 9 navagrahas multiply to 108.
There are 108 upanishads. Nataraja's cosmic dance has 108 Bharatanatyam poses. Ayurveda and Kalari talks about 108 marmas. Shiva, Ganesha and Krishna has 108 names. The 108 th and heaviest element in the periodic table is Hassium ( 108 protons ) bases on 54 yin-yang of the Sri yantra ( triple intersections ) and the Sanskrit alphabets . The rest are too short lived.
Taking the mean distance from the Moon to the Earth (384,400 km) and dividing it by the Moons diameter (3,474.8 km) results in 110.62507194658685391965005180154.
The diameter of the earth is: Equatorial diameter 12,756.28 km. Polar diameter 12,713.56 km. Mean diameter 12,742.02 km
Bose-Einstein condensate, is named after the Indian scientist who predicted it, Satyendra Nath Bose. Since he was a partner of Albert Einstein, his name is in it too. Bose was denied a Nobel prize, as Indians were at that time made to feel that we are an inferior race— though every discovery and invention of that Quantum age , had its roots in our 7000 year old Vedas.
Our bodies are piezo-electric bio-crystals, resonant transducers of living light and life force. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence. We all have direct and immediate access to the scalar field of consciousness . There is a connection between DNA and consciousness .
The brain and the DNA are transducers for quantum information from the scalar field. When a DNA strand is placed in a vacuum, the energy emitted by that strand will attract photons which will assume the same shape of the DNA strand, even if the DNA strand is removed later. Quantum coherence in the micro tubules of every cell is the key to consciousness
To become enlightened you have to let go of attachment to all material aspects, which include body, mind and emotions . You are entering into unknown fields, yet there is a rock of stability and that is your ability to be aware . The more you let go of attachment to physical aspects, the more you are guided and the more self-sovereign you become. The more you let go, the more aware you become. This is truly a journey that everyone must take alone, once you are prepared for the journey, under a guru.
Nadis exist in the etheric body, unseen to the naked eye and is based on energy currents, vibration and psychic energy . Kundalini rises only when the state of purification of the nadis and chakras has progressed far enough. The goal of many of the yoga practices is to purify the nadis, and then to cause the prana and apana to meet and rise up through the sushumna.
Conscious use of the soham mantra is a tremendous aid in balancing Ida and Pingala.
Another method of purifying the nadis and disciplining them is by doing Surya Namaskar.
Balancing Ida and Pingala balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system, reducing the elevated flight or fight response. In other words, the single act of balancing the breath is a tremendous aid in physical stress reduction, in addition to being a spiritual practice setting the stage for Kundalini Awakening.
Like I said before out of these 72,000 subtle nadis only 3 nadis are very important. They are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The 10 main nadis which carry prana out of the 72000 are Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, Gandhari, Hastijihva, Pusa, Yusasvini, Alambusa, Kuhuh and Sankhini .
The Ida is feminine ( irrespective of gender ) , left sympathetic nervous system, on LH side of spinal cord, tamas- yin negative charge polarity energy, represented by cooling moon, connecting to left nostril, controls mental processes, connects to RH brain lobe, pale colour
The Pingala is masculine ( irrespective ofgender ) , on RH side of spinal cord, rajas-yang positive charge polarity energy , represented by heating sun, connecting to right nostril, controls vital processes, connects to RH brain lobe, red colour,
Both ida and pingala ends between the eye brows—at Shiva’s third eye.
The Medullar Sushumna, which interpenetrates the cerebrospinal axis from the perineum to the juncture of the lamboid and sagittal suture of the cranium, and is associated with both nostrils being open and free to the passage of air.
Sushumna-Sattwa is at the back of the anus, in the middle of the Spinal chord and is the most important of all nadis, neutral charge energy . It is attached to the spinal column and extends to the Brahmarandhra of the head and is invisible and subtle.
If the coiled-up energy, Kundalini, passes up along the Sushumna Nadi and is taken up from Chakra to Chakra the Yogi gets different sorts of experiences, powers and Ananda ( bliss ). When ida and pingala get balanced and unite in the activated sushumna, pure consiousness arises.
It is only when prana moves into the sushumna that the latent spiritual power of kundalini can be awakened. Kundalaini is the power of pure consciousness, the dynamic potential of the soul. It is the Divine Mother Herself, visualized as a serpent coiled three and a half times, with its tail in its mouth.
One of the objects of activating the spiral fire and its progress up the spine to the head is to awaken the pineal gland, which results in the opening of the third eye and the consequent revelation of the subtler planes of life When it reaches the brain, the yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.
Again, the goal of the sadhaka ( the man who does meditation) in his sadhana (meditating practice) is to bring the hood of the kundalini to Sahasrara chakra through Sushumna situated in between Ida and Pingala. That is when the hood reaches head or Sahasrara chakra, the tail of the 3.5 coiled serpent will reach Mooladharachakra.
While doing meditation the awakened kundalini should raise neither through left side Ida nor through right Pingala but through centre Sushumna nadi only. If not the sadhaka will get traumatic results. The breathing should be slow and long. The posture should be straight and erect. internally placing attention between the eyebrows, making the energies flow evenly between the nostrils.Otherwise the breath will take Ida path or pingala path deviating from Sushumna path.
Ida and pingala function alternately and directly influence the temperature of the body, digestive and hormonal secretions, the brainwaves and all the bodily systems. Ida and pingala function according to a natural cycle, but on account of poor eating habits, pollution and inharmonious lifestyles, the natural cycle is often disturbed.
Sometimes one nadi predominates and the other is suppressed. This leads to mental and physical imbalances and generally results in disease. Therefore, ida and pingala must be disciplined or made to function according to the laws of nature. Only when there is harmony between these two nadis can sushumna be awakened.
When sushumna awakens, kundalini ascends straight to sahasrara and one becomes a jivanmukta, a liberated soul .
When awakening takes place in sushumna, you may feel or see a rod of light, or your spinal cord may seem to be fully illumined from within. The “jerking” that occurs, is an effect of the energy pulsating through the Sushumna. This movement and sounds of a train in a tunnel signifies the movement of the serpent Shakti towards Shiva. Once attained this you have reached Shiva, the Highest.
"A hundred and one are the arteries of the heart, one of them leads up to the crown of the head. Going upward through that, one becomes immortal."(CU 8.6.6) Chandogya Upanishad.
There are two phases of kundalini awakening. Only after purification can there be awakening Only by purifying the nadis and awakening the 7 main chakras is the kundalini able to rise up through the spine .
Purification of nadis is critical to good health so that a balanced level of prana can flow throughout the nadis and chakra systems. Impure nadis cause blockages of the prana and this is what leads to disease in the physical body.
By purifying you can experience better sense of self-control and, overcome anger and resentment to find inner calm and mental peace. It strengthens the immune system too and helps you fight off several diseases and keep them at bay. A positive mind is a great weapon against all of them.
When pranayama is correctly and regularly practiced, it calms and internalized the mind, floods the system with fresh prana, strengthens the organs of the body and purifies the nadis . Pranayama practices, including nadi shodhana, which involves alternate breathing through left and right nostrils, which would alternately stimulate respectively the left and right sides of the brain. Although we often refer to pranayama as breath control, it actually is the expansion and redirection of prana via the medium of breath .
As per our Vedas Prana-vayu is responsible for inhalation. This form of prana moves between the navel and heart and is responsible for the functioning of the heart and lungs. It controls breathing, swallowing and the circulation of blood..
Apana-vayu is responsible for exhalation and is a downward moving current. Its seat is between the anus and the navel. It controls the functions of the kidneys, bowels and bladder and is responsible for excretion, urination, expulsion of gas, sexual fluids and childbirth.
Serious yogis should refrain from eating eat meat, fish or eggs, and avoid all mind-altering drugs and alcohol and impure items such as tobacco, onions, garlic, fermented and acidic foods , and anything that overloads your system or agitates your mind. Occasional fasts are good for the body and mind. The best day to fast are ekadashi, the 11th day of the waxing and waning moon.
For one with a well balanced body and mind, that shift of nostril dominance happens automatically approximately once in ninety minutes. For other people, the shift may be much different. Sometimes one can be so off balance that one nostril remains dominant, which is a symptom of some physical, mental, or emotional difficulties.
To know more about the direct method of awakening , Pranayama , punch into Google search PRANAYAMA – VADAKAYIL
Pranayama is a divinely revealed science that improves health, increases vitality, and awakens the latent spiritual energies in the subtle body. Combined with asanas, meditation, japa, prayer and devotion, pranayama can quicken our spiritual advancement.
The renowned Hatha-Yoga master B. K. S. Iyengar has explained the connection between breath control and the elements as follows:
In our body we have five elements. The element responsible for production of the elixir of life (prana) is earth. The element of air is used as a churning rod, through inhalation and exhalation, and distribution is through the element of ether. Ether is space, and its quality is that it can contract or expand. When you inhale, the element of ether expands to take the breath in. In exhalation, the ether contracts to push out toxins.
Two elements remain: water and fire. If there is a fire, water is used to extinguish it. This gives us the idea that fire and water are opposing elements. With the help of the elements of earth, air and ether, a friction is created between water and fire, which not only generates energy but releases it, just as water moving turbines in a hydroelectric power station produces electricity.
To generate electricity, the water has to flow at a certain speed. An inadequate flow will not produce electricity. Similarly, in our system, normal breathing does not produce that intense energy. This is why we are all suffering from stress and strain, causing poor circulation which affects our health and happiness. The current is not sufficient so we are merely existing, not living.
In the practice of pranayama, we make the breath very long. In this way, the elements of fire and water are brought together, and this contact of fire and water in the body, with the help of the element of air, releases a new energy, called by yogis divine energy, or kundalini shakti, and this is the energy of prana.
According to the Shiva-Samhita(3.26-28), alternate breathing should be performed twenty times four times a day-at dawn, mid-day, sunset, and mid-night. If done regularly for three months, this procedure, we are told, will definitely cleanse the channels. It is only then that the practitioner should turn to breath control proper.
An indirect method of awakening the Kundalini for amazing results adopted by Indian yogis is tapasya, which means the performance of severe penances and austerities.
These yogis do NO wear clothes and cover themselves with ashes. Tapasya is a means of purification. Through this process the mind, the emotions and the whole personality are cleansed of all the dirt, complexes and patterns of behavior that cause pain and suffering. Bad habits, vices are uprooted and destroyed at its psychic root, not only at the conscious level.
Tapasya is a psychological or psycho-emotional process through which the aspirant tries to set in motion a process of metabolism that will eradicate the habits that create weakness and obstruct the awakening of willpower. This strength of will is the fruit of tapasya. Once you achieve a balanced mind in the face of mental and emotional conflicts and you can endure anger, worry, love and passion, disappointment, jealousy, hatred, memories of the past, sufferings and sorrows, you are ready for the awakening.
Such sadhus live in seclusion because when there are interactions with people, so many thought currents move in the mind. Mixing with people, talking and gossiping create crosscurrents of love, hatred, infatuation, jealousy, likes and dislikes, restlessness, worry , desires and passions.
When you do NOT have any interaction with people, you will be spared a lot of mental turmoil. You will have NIL psychological cobwebs.
He is also ready for the vairagya or detachment that will come to him as a result of the awakening of kundalini.
These yogis practice Hatha-Yoga. The Gheranda-Samhita (5.36) distinguishes between two basic types of purification practices: samanu and nirmanu, which terms denote "mental" and "nonmental" respectively. I will discuss the latter first.
As this text explains, it consists in physical cleansing processes called dhauti, comprising the following techniques:
1. antar-dhauti ("inner cleansing") consisting of the following four techniques:
(a) vata-sara ("air process"), which is done by inhaling through the mouth and expelling the air through the lower passage;
(b) vari-sara ("water process"), which is done by sipping water until the stomach is completely filled and expelling it through the lower passage;
(c) vahni-sara ("fire process"), which is done by pushing the navel one hundred times back toward the spine, which increased the "gastric fire";
(d) bahish-krita ("external action"), which is done by sucking in air through the mouth until the stomach is filled, retaining it for ninety minutes, and then expelling it through the lower passage; this is followed by one's standing in navel-deep water and pushing out the lower intestinal tract for cleansing—I do hope you understand what this means.
2. danta-dhauti ("dental cleansing"), which includes cleaning the teeth, the tongue, as well as the ears and frontal sinuses;
3. hrid-dhauti ("lit. "heart cleansing"), which consists of (a) introducing the stalk of a plantain, turmeric, or cane into the throat to clean it out; (b) filling the stomach with water and then expelling it through the mouth; (c) swallowing a long strip of thin cloth and then pulling it out again (a process called vвso-dhauti, "cloth cleansing");
4. mula-shodhana ("rectal cleansing"), which is done by means of turmeric, water, or the middle finger.
Blissful sex or drinking Soma and raising Kundalini in 3 seconds would have been much easier , right?
The Shiva-Samhita (3.31-32) also states that when the nadis have been purified, certain signs will manifest: The body becomes harmonious (sama) and beautiful, and emits a pleasant scent, while the voice becomes resonant and the appetite increases. Also, the yogin whose subtle pathways are thoroughly cleansed is always "full-hearted," energetic, and strong.
The Hatha-Yoga-Pradоpika (2.19) mentions leanness and brightness of the body as indications of a purified nadi system. Now the practitioner is like a finely tuned instrument and ready to engage the higher processes of Tantra, leading to the activation of the serpent power.
The psychic symbol formooladhara Chakra is a deep red, four-petalled lotus. Inside there is a smoky lingam around which a snake is coiled three and a half times with its head facing in a dormant or sleeping state.
On each petal is a letter: vam, sham, sham, sam, written in gold. In the pericarp is a yellow square, symbol of the earth element, surrounded by eight golden spears - four at each corner and four at the cardinal points.
In tantra this coiled serpent is known as mahakala, great or endless time. Here kundalini is lying in the womb of the unconscious, beyond time and space. When kundalini begins to manifest, it enters the dimensions of personality and individuality, and becomes subject to time and space. That is the awakening of the great serpent power within the individual form, frame and consciousness of the human being.
However, inmost people it is dormant. In its awakened state kundaiini shakti represents our spiritual potential, but in its dormant state it represents that instinctive level of life which supports our basic existence Mooladhara awakening is often accompanied by itchy sensations around the coccyx or anus, and the sense of smell becomes so acute that offensive odors are difficult to bear. When the positive and negative forces of ida and pingala are completely balanced, an awakening is sparked off here which arouses the dormant kundalini.
In the female body its location is at the root of the uterus, in the posterior side of the cervix Mooladhara is the first center in human incarnation, but it is the highest chakra that animals have the capacity to awaken. It is their sahasrara. The higher chakras beyond mooladhara are not present in the psychic physiology of animals and their nervous systems reflect this relative deficiency. I wonder of Charles Darwrin ever knew of consciousness.
Below mooladhara there are other chakras which represent the evolution of the animal kingdom. They are only related to sense consciousness and not to mental awareness The names of the lower chakras are atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala. Just as mooladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom. It is the dimension which represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static.
Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution. Up to mooladhara chakra evolution takes place automatically. Animals do not have to practise pranayama and japa yoga Because they don't think, nature is benevolently responsible for every phase of their evolution. However, once kundalini reaches mooladhara chakra, evolution is no longer spontaneous, because a human being is not completely subjected to the laws of nature.
For example, animals only mate in particular seasons. At other times, even if they live together they will not mate. But, because man is free from the laws of nature, he can mate whenever he wants. Conscious creatures can see themselves in the mirror—only humans and elephants can do that. Few creatures like chimps, bonobos and dolphins are partially conscious. This is why dolphins and bonobos have sex for pleasure.
Man has awareness of time and space, and he has an ego. He can think, he can know that he is thinking and he can know that he knows that he is thinking. This is because of the evolution of ego. If there is no ego there will not be double awareness. Animals do not have double awareness. If a dog is chasing another dog, it is under nature's compulsion. It doesn't know it is chasing and the other dog doesn't know that it is running. It runs because instinct compels it to.
That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in mooladhara chakra. It can't progress beyond this point unless it is pushed and prodded . Sometimes it even ascends to swadhisthana or manipura via ida or pingala nadis to find it blocked only get angry attack these centres and to return to mooladhara again to sleep.
However, once the shakti goes beyond manipura chakra via sushumna nadi there is no going back. It is the inner aspect of that nerve complex which carries all kinds of sensations and is immediately connected with the testes.
In both the male and female bodies, there is a vestigial gland at mooladhara chakra which is something like a knot. In Sanskrit this is known as brahma granthi; the knot of Brahma. As long as this knot remains intact, the energy located in this area is blocked. But the moment the knot is opened, shakti awakens.
It is only when the individual awakens to the possibility of divine consciousness, to a greater force and purpose than that of instinctive animal life, that the brahma granthi begins to loosen. Consciousness begins to be liberated from the root center as the individual's aspiration awakens. Just because mooladhara is situated near your asshole , this does not make it an impure center.
All the passions are stored inmooladhara, all the guilt, every complex and every agony has its root in mooladhara chakra. Man's life, his desires, his actions and his accomplishments, are controlled by the sexual desires, and whatever we do in life is an expression of that lower chakra . Our lower samskaras and karmas are embedded there, as in lower incarnations, one's whole being is founded on the sexual personality.
Dr. Sigmund Freud has also emphasized this point. He said that one's selection of clothing, food, friends, home furnishing and decor, etc., everything is influenced by his sexual awareness. Sexual fulfillment and sexual frustrations control our life.
If sexual urges are removed from life, everything will change. Often we react to sexual life on account of bitter experiences and we vow not to follow the same path again. We are fed up and on account of that we say, 'No more'. But this is no solution, it's only a reaction and not the permanent structure of our mind .
When mooladhara awakens, a number of phenomena occur. The first thing many practitioners experience is levitation of the astral body. One has the sensation of floating upward in space, leaving the physical body behind. This is due to the energy of kundaiini whose ascending momentum causes the astral body to disassociate from the physical and move upward.
This phenomenon is limited to the astral and possibly mental dimensions, and this differs from what is normally called levitation - the actual displacement of the physical body. Sometimes we see morons trying to physically fly in videos on the Internet by flexing their ass muscles -- this is is rock bottom ( or Mooladhara ) of ignorance and the height of stupidity..
The power of the chakras does not reside in the chakras themselves, but in sahasrara. The chakras are only transducers . It is only when kundalini reaches ajna chakra that the transcendence begins. All the potential lies in sahasrara. The literal meaning of the word sahasrara is 'one thousand'. For this reason it is said to be a lotus with one thousand petals.
Sahasrara is the culmination of yoga, the perfect union between shiva and Shakti and the unfolding of enlightenment. When this union takes place, the moment of self-realization or samadhi begins. At this point the individual man dies. I don't mean that physical death occurs, it is death of the mundane awareness or individual awareness. It is death of the experience of name and form. At this time you don't remember the 'I', the 'you' or the 'they'.
The experience, the experienced and the experiencer are one and the same. The seer, seeing and and seen are merged as a unified whole. In other words, there is no multiple or dual awareness. There is only single awareness. When Shiva and Shakti unite, nothing remains, there is absolute silence. Shakti does not remain Shakti and Shiva is no more Shiva, both are mingled into one and they can no longer be identified as two different forces.
In due course the Kundalini energy comes down, ideally taking residence in the heart anahata chakra, balancing upper and lower chakras. You live a normal life, associating with everybody and discharging your worldly obligations like other people do.
Now you are in the midst of games of victory and defeat, attachments and infatuations, but you just play a game. You know it; you do everything as an actor. You are not involved in it life and soul . People recognize you as a divine incarnation reality.
When Shiva and Shakti descend to the gross level of awareness there is again duality. That is why the self-realized man is able to understand pain and all the mundane affairs of life. He understands the whole drama of duality, multiplicity and diversity. Sometimes we ordinary mortals are at a fix to understand how this man with the highest attainment is able to cope with the hopeless dualities of life.
Shakti rules the matter and Shiva rules the consciousness, and when they descend to the gross plane, Shakti continues to rule the matter and Shiva, being consciousness, gives an understanding to the whole world.
There are three channels through which the spiritual energies of the kundalini can rise. The one recommended is the sushumna. The other two are to be avoided.
It is very important that you awaken sushumna before attempting to raise the kundalini—by balancing the ida and pingala nadis..
In the systematic process of awakening kundalini, the first step is to purify and balance ida and pingala nadis and create harmony in their functioning. Next, all the chakras have to be awakened. Then sushumna nadi is awakened, and when there is a clear pathway for its ascent, only then kundalini can be awakened. This is the reason why it must be done under a qualified guru.
If the kundalini shakti flows outside of the sushumna nadi into and through the ida nadi on the left side of the spine, which corresponds to the left sympathetic nerve system, it is fragmented into other smaller and more sensitive nerve currents connected to the organs of the physical body.
It produces heat within this formerly cool nadi network. The person becomes overly emotional, feminine in nature, talks a lot, often has hurt feelings, cries at the least provocation and engages in other emotional behavior patterns that center around the personal I-ness
If the serpent power flows up through the pingala nadi and into the sympathetic nerve network on the right side of the body, the person becomes overly intellectual, very masculine in nature, talks little, has steel nerves and patterns centering around the conquest of others through intellectual debate. He is prone to long silences, holding in emotions, and to secret patterns of behavior to stimulate or satisfy base desires. In other words, he is not open, smiling, friendly, companionable.
In either case, the kundalini shakti rising through the ida or pingala can move upward only to the manipura chakra and no farther. This is the impasse.
If the Kundalini shakti moves through either of the other of the two wrong channels, it will produce acute discomfort, physically, emotionally, intellectually and astrally -- that no Western doctor's effort can fathom the cause of , or effect a cure. Western medicine is presently not equipped to handle these problems . The psychological symptoms tend to mimic schizophrenia.
It is very likely, therefore, that such individuals may be diagnosed as schizophrenics and be either institutionalized for madness or given very drastic and unwarranted treatment. As long as we look at the symptom only and not the cause, which is only expressed in the physical, emotional and mental bodies, the treatment will be inadequate.
Billions of nervous connections can ‘burn’ and dissolve, leading to mental illness, symptoms of strokes or multiple sclerosis. Such accidents usually are the consequences of a premature Kundalini awakening due to modern drugs like LSD, DMT, Ecstasy or others. If the nervous system is not ready to handle a sudden ‘power surge’ of cosmic magnitude, the awakening can result in serious damage to the body, especially the brain .
On the other hand, when Kundalini awakens naturally, self-regulating systems within the body harmoniously control and limit the amount of electricity released. As a result of this filtering mechanism, the nervous system progressively adjusts to the extra power, rather than self-destructing.
When the Kundalini awakens it may stir up a lot of repressed feelings and traumas from the unconscious and cause considerable anguish and pain in the individual. Grown ups adults will cry uncontrollably. A premature Kundalini awakening too may cause psychotic episodes in individuals with severe early traumas. Such traumas are usually associated with serious organic or biological disturbances.
If the preparation is insufficient, at various junctures, as it rises, the kundalini shakti, or serpent power, attacks the organs in the vicinity of the chakra it is passing through, biting and poisoning them on the astral level. The poison flows through all organs, temporary physical, mental and emotional suffering is the consequence .
As it climbs, each one of the astral organs is hurt and felt as a physical ailment. This often reflects as a symptomatic problem in the kidneys, then stomach problems and later heart problems and thyroid difficulties. At each juncture, the western doctor would be perplexed by the ailment, unable to find a medical cause, then doubly perplexed when that problem disappears suddenly and the next new one arises. Though treatments and multiple tests are more than often given, the source of the problems is usually undetected.
Everyone is craving kundalini awakening, but few people have the discipline and mental, emotional, physical and nervous preparation required to avoid damage to the brain and tissues. If ever you become scared and want to stop the process of kundalini awakening, all you have to do is revert to a gross lifestyle. Just revise all your base passions, cunning dreams and worldly ambitions .
Kundalini can remain stuck in one chakra for many years. Sometimes, when kundalini gets blocked in a chakra during transit, you begin to exhibit some of the siddhis or psychic powers associated with that chakra.
Again , never attempt to activate or raise Kundalini without a guru. Attempting to raise alone could cause permanent mental damage. Kundalini is for ADULT energy bodies only - no children are allowed.
To know more about chakras -
When Kundalini is awakened fromvits slumber, it hisses like a disturbed serpent and enters the hole of Sushumna. The rising Kundalini speeds up the the 6 chakras enroute before it reaches the brain. When it travels from Chakra to Chakra, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and the Yogi acquires various Siddhis (psychic powers).
Chakras are centres of spiritual energy. They are located in the astral body, but they have corresponding centres in the physical body also. They cannot be the naked eyes. Only a clairvoyant can see with his astral eyes.
So each of the principal chakras can be visualized as a lotus flower with a specific color and number of petals as follows:
Mooladhara - 4 petalled deep red lotus
Swadhisthana - 6 petalled vermilion lotus
Manipura - 10 petalled bright yellow lotus
Anahata - 12 petalled blue lotus
Vishuddhi - 16 petalled violet lotus
Ajna - 2 petalled silver-grey lotus
Sahasrara - 1000 petalled multicolored or red lotus
Music Chakra Sanskrit scale
Do mooladhara Sa
Re swadhisthana Re
Mi manipura GaFa anahata Ma
So vishuddhi Pa
La ajna Dha
Ti bindu Ni
Do sahasrara Sa
The bija mantras for each kshetram and chakra are as follows:
mooladhara lam
swadhisthana vam
mianipura ram
anahata yam
vishuddhi ham
ajna оm
bindu оm
In each chakra six things are combined : 1) the chakra color, 2) the petals of the lotus flower, 3) the yantra or geometrical shape, 4) the bija mantra, 5) the animal symbol, 6) the higher or divine symbol. Each chakra contains an animal and divine beings. The animals represent your previous evolution and instincts, and the divine beings represent higher consciousness.
In mooladhara, the karmas of the lower stages of our evolution are manifested in the form of anger, greed, jealousy, passion, love, hatred and so on. There we are working out that karma, manifesting and expressing it overtly.
When kundalini ascends from mooladhara to swadhisthana, the sadhaka experiences a crucial period in which all his repressed emotions, especially those of a more primal nature, express themselves. Passions mount during this period and all kinds of infatuations ensue, making the sadhaka extremely irritable and unstable at times. He can be seen sitting quietly in contemplation one moment and hurling objects at someone the next.
One day he may sleep deeply for hours together, another day he may get up at one or two in the morning to take bath and meditate. He becomes very passionate, loud and talkative, while at other times he is silent. All the karmas, the past lives, the previous experiences, the greater dimension of the human personality that is unconscious, can be symbolized by swadhisthana chakra.
At the level of swadhisthana, however, there is no conscious activity or manifestation. This is hiranyagarbha, the universal womb, where everything exists in a potential state. All those insignificant and unimpressive karmas, which have been registered automatically in our consciousness, form the total unconscious. In kundalini yoga, swadhisthana is often regarded as a hindrance in the sense that these karmas lying embedded in the unconscious do not allow the rising kundalini to pass through.
After the initial awakening, kundalini returns to dormancy time and time again, solely due to the karmic block at swadhisthana. When kundalini is residing in swadhisthana chakra, the last vestige of karma is being thrown out and all the negative samskaras express themselves and are expelled. At this time you may be angry, afraid or full of sexual fantasies and passion. You may also experience lethargy, indolence, depression and all kinds of tamasic characteristics. The tendency to procrastinate is very strong and you just want to sleep and sleep. This stage of evolution is known as purgatory.
As the liberated energy (Kundalini) courses through the system, it actually sweeps away samskaras – karmic traces from the past that are still imprinted in the body and mind – like floodwaters clearing clogged debris from a river bed.
When no sexual desires of any kind manifest in an aspirant any more, and when there is no more personal attraction, that means kundalini has passed beyond swadhisthana chakra. Once you pass swadhisthana you will not have to face any explosive traumas again, but there will be other difficulties further on. Kundalini is unlikely to descend again as it is destined to move on whereas from manipura onwards higher man predominates.
So mooladhara is the seat of kundalini, swadhisthana is the abode, and the awakening takes place in manipura. This is because from manipura the awakening becomes ongoing and there is practically no danger of a downfall or devolution of consciousness. Up to this point, kundalini may awaken and arise many times, only to recede again, but awakening of manipura is what we call a confirmed awakening.
The force of sadhana has caused a total reorganization of the pranic flow in the body, so that mooladhara is transcended and the new base of kundalini is manipura chakra. Human evolution takes place through seven planes in the same way that kundalini awakens in the seven chakras. When the consciousness evolves to manipura, the sadhaka acquires a spiritual perspective. He gets a glimpse of the higher lokas or planes of existence. .
Only when the sadhaka reaches manipura is heable to visualize before him the infinite state of consciousness which is no longer gross and empirical. It stretches before him endlessly, full of beauty, truth and auspiciousness. In the face of this vision, all his views are completely changed. The personal prejudices, complexes and biases drop away as the endless beauty and perfection of the higher worlds dawn within the consciousness.whatever he thinks and does will be influenced by this higher vision.
This is why the psychic powers that come to the sadhaka after having awakened and established the kundalini in manipura are really benevolent and compassionate, where as those which manifest in mooladhara and swadhisthana are still tinged by the dark aspect of the lower mind. Therefore, manipura literally means "city of jewels".
The powers gained through the awakening of manipura chakra are the ability to create and destroy, self-defence, the acquisition of hidden treasures, no fear of fire, knowledge of one's own body, freedom from disease and the ability of sending the energy to sahasrara. The lower chakras belong to the empirical world of body, mind and senses.
People who accept their fate as inevitable have not yet transcended rnooladhara and swadhisthana chakras. Manipura is still considered earthly, although it lies at the boundary between mortal and immortal planes. Those who actively shape their own destiny through strength of will channelled in a positive direction, which leads to realization and achievement, are in the realm of manipura.
The word anahata actually means 'unstruck or unbeaten'. Anahata chakra is situated in the spinal column on the inner wall, directly behind the center of the chest. This chakra is a very delicate center, for it is directly connected with that part of the brain which is responsible for all the creative sciences and fine arts such as painting, dance, music, poetry, etc.
It is said that he who meditates on the heart lotus is foremost among yogis and adored by women. He is preeminently wise and full of noble deeds. His senses are completely under control and his mind can be engrossed in intense concentration. His speech is inspired and he has the ability to enter another's body at will. It is at anahata chakra is where the thoughts and desires of the individual are materialized and fulfilled. There are basically two ways of thinking -dependently or independently. Up to manipura chakra the first approach holds true, but once the shakti pierces anahata, the second approach takes precedence.
Anahata chakra is almost completely beyond these empirical dimensions. Here, one realizes that fate is of course real, but still one can go totally beyond its dictates. It is like throwing something into the sky. If you are able to hurl that object right out of the gravitational field, then it will no longer be pulled down by the earth's magnetic forces. Just as a rocket is launched at tremendous speed in order to go beyond the gravitational pull of the earth, so the consciousness is accelerated in anahata to the speed of free will in order to transcend the pull of latent samskaras.
It is only when you reach anahata chakra that you become a yogi.
Up until then, whether you are in mooladhara, swadhisthana or manipura, you are a yoga practitioner.
In anahata you become a yogi because you are completely established in yogic consciousness and you depend solely upon the power of your own consciousness rather than on anything that is external or concerning faith.. If the consciousness awakens in anahata, but you do not know the powers of your mind, or you possess negative, pessimistic attitudes, dark approaches to life, apprehensions, fears and many other negative mental tendencies, then you will immediately fall prey to them.
If this happens, you risk the possibility of falling back from anahata. And if you fall from anahata, there is hardly any chance of making a second start. To avoid a downfall at this point, it is necessary to always remain as alert as the antelope, which is sensitive to each and every sound.
The Anahata chakra awakens refined emotion in the brain and its awakening is characterized by a feeling of universal, unlimited love for all beings. Just as the sun removes darkness, love removes ego. These two can never coexist. When kundalini is established in anahata there is absolute devotion and even a confirmed atheist will change.
Anahata is the seat of human love and the seat of divine love. One obtains complete emotional balanceand the ability to communicate externally as well as internally. Voices or sounds coming from other realms may be heard, and buzzing or humming sounds and the music of a flute may be experienced. The sadhaka may become an insired poet, artist or singer. He may manifest clairvoyant /clairaudient or psychokinetic ability.
A person who is in anahata is generally very sensitive to the feelings of others and his sense of touch is strongly developed. He also has the ability to heal others, either by touch or by generating his own spiritual energy to other people in order to effect curative changes. Many people who perform miraculous healings do so through the agency of anahata chakra.
Vishuddhi chakra is known as the 'purification center'. The Sanskrit word shuddhi means (to purify), and in this chakra the purifying and harmonizing of all opposites takes place. Vishuddhi allows us to differentiate between realization coming into our consciousness from the higher levels of knowledge, and the mere babblings of our unconscious mind and wishful thinking.
Vishuddhi chakra is in the cervical plexus directly behind the throat pit. Its kshetramis in the front of the neck, at the throat pit or thyroid gland. The as a purple lotus of sixteen petals. These sixteen petals correspond to the number of nadis associated with this center. It is represented by the element of ether or akasha. This ethereal region is the gateway to liberation for one whose senses are pure and controlled .
When vishuddhi is awakened , amrit, the divine fluid is retained and utilized, becoming the nectar of immortality. The secret of youth and regeneration of the body lies in the awakening of vishuddhi chakra. . The thought waves of others are also experienced elsewhere in the body, in other centers such as manipura, but the actual reception center of thought waves and transmissions is vishuddhi. From vishuddhi they are relayed to the centers in the brain associated with the other chakras and in this way they enter into the individual awareness.
When vishuddhi is awakened , amrit, the divine fluid is retained and utilized, becoming the nectar of immortality. The secret of youth and regeneration of the body lies in the awakening of vishuddhi chakra. . The thought waves of others are also experienced elsewhere in the body, in other centers such as manipura, but the actual reception center of thought waves and transmissions is vishuddhi. From vishuddhi they are relayed to the centers in the brain associated with the other chakras and in this way they enter into the individual awareness.
The seat of bindu is at the top back of the head, exactly at the spot where the Hindu brahmins leave a tuft of hair growing. Although this custom is still being followed today, its original purpose has been completely forgotten. In Sanskrit that tuft of hair is called shikha, which means 'the flame of fire'.
The pineal gland has verified that it is the anatomical and functional concomitant of ajna chakra. When the energy rises to the fourth centre, the heart or Anahata, spiritual awakening takes place. At this stage the heart is flowering with love, and man has a spiritual vision of the divine light. His mind then no longer runs after worldly pleasures.
When the fifth and sixth chakra (throat and eyebrow) are awakened man becomes free of ignorance and all information is available to him through his intuition. Finally, when the energy reaches the crown chakra on the top of the head, man experiences Samadhi. Samadhi is a state where consciousness experiences itself and its oneness with God.
When Shiva and Shakti unite in sahasrara, one experiences samadhi, illumination occurs in the brain and the silent areas begin to function . Shiva and Shakti remain merged together for some time, and during this period there is a total loss of consciousness pertaining to each other.
At that time a bindu evolves. Bindu means a point, a drop, and that bindu is the substratum of the whole cosmos. Within that bindu is the seat of human intelligence and the seat of the total creation. Then the bindu splits into two , Shiva and Shakti manifest again in duality. When ascension took place it was only the ascent of Shakti, but now, when descension takes place, Shiva and Shakti both descend to the gross plane and there is again knowledge of duality.
When the descent of kundalini occurs to anahata chakra , it means the lower mental plane of the human being is no longer influenced by the ordinary mind, the supermind takes over instead. This higher form of consciousness rules the body, mind and senses and directs your life, thoughts and emotions. Kundalini is henceforth the ruler of your life.
By Khechari mudra you put pressure on the soft palate in the middle indentation located on the roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue. In the course of time the tongue gets elongated and can be inserted into the nasal orifice. Then certain glands which are connected with the cranial passage and bindu visarga are stimulated, and as a result, amrit or nectar begins to flow. When amrit is released you experience a special type of'high' or intoxication.
Amrit relieves all hunger and thirst in very advanced practitioner. At the higher level, bindu is a point. At the lower level, it is drop of liquid, which drips from the male and female orgasm.
Practicing the Khechari Mudra also stimulates the release of “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine.
Amrit relieves all hunger and thirst in very advanced practitioner. At the higher level, bindu is a point. At the lower level, it is drop of liquid, which drips from the male and female orgasm.
Tantra, yogis do NOT ejaculate. They learn to stop it. He does asanas like vajroli mudra , moola bandha and uddiyana bandha to help him master the control of orgasmic ejaculation. The woman strengthens her sphincter , vaginal and uterine muscles, and hence she is in charge and man is just her medium. There is no bouncing, if you know what I mean.
I have to be careful here as girls as small as 9 years read my posts. .
If the man loses his bindu, it means that the woman has failed to carry out her functions properly. In tantra it is said that Shiva is incapable without Shakti. Shakti is the high priestess. The Hindu path of dakshina marga must be followed for many years before the path of vama marga can be entered.The rishis say that the same energy which flows through passion, when channelized, manifests as devotion. Channelize this same energy again and it manifests as spiritual experience. That is why spiritual aspirants love God in various manifestations. . Some picture him as a father, a mother, a child, a friend, husband or lover.
Practicing the Khechari Mudra also stimulates the release of “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine.
With the release of calming and soothing hormones, a Khechari Mudra practitioner also experiences a profound state of calmness and well-being. First of all it stills your mind and you are in the moment.
Additionally, applying pressure to the points on the roof of the mouth helps to balance out the energetic pathways throughout the body. In this way, incorporating a regular practice of the Khechari Mudra into your Yoga practice will help to revitalize your entire being as the nectar of the gods is released and flows from the bindu located at the Third Eye Chakra throughout your whole body. Practicing the Khechari Mudra has the power to awaken the divine Kundalini .
In hatha yoga there is a practice where the root or frenulum of the under surface of the tongue is gradually cut and the tongue is slowly elongated and inserted into the nasopharynx. It blocks off the passage as a cork seals a bottle. The whole practice is perfected over a two year period. By this practice the drops from bindu fall to vishuddhi and subsequently permeate the whole bodily system. These drops of nectar maintain the nutrition and vitality of the bodily tissues while simultaneously arresting the metabolic processes of the body. When the metabolism of the cells and tissues of the body is suspended in this way, oxygen is no longer required and cellular wastes are not produced. Therefore, the person who hibernates can live without breathing for quite an extended period of time. Even the facial hair does not grow during the period of hibernation.
I guess I am shocking my readers too much -- so let me stop!
When kundalini wakes up in mooladhara it begins to ascend spirally,like a hissing snake. However, the awakening of kundalini which exists in manipura takes place like a blast.
Signs of Kundalini Awakening:
Involuntary jerking in the body like in a earthquake
Intense feeling of bliss
Feelings of cold in the body
Intense heat in the spine, or a particular chakra, as if molten metal were flowing in the spine
Striking flows of energy, like electricity or internal lightning bolts
Feeling of a snakes crawling up the spine
Mudras (hand gestures), Bandhas (locks), Asanas (postures), or Pranayama (breathing practices) may come spontaneously rather than being intentionally practiced
Spontaneous emotional shifts
Increase in the experience of inner colors and lights
Inner sounds, such as buzzing, roaring, or thunder
Waves of creative, intellectual, or spiritual insights
Feelings of energy in the hands.
Body assuming and locked into strange
Breathing spontaneously stopping or becoming rapid, shallow, or deep for no apparent reason.
Spontaneous involuntary bodily movements.
Spontaneous deep ecstatic tickle or orgasmic feeling.
Physical sensations starting in the feet, legs or pelvis, and moving up the back and neck to the top of the head, down the forehead, over the face, then to the throat, and ending in the abdomen.
Pains in specific parts of the body that begin and end abruptly.
Internal lights or colors illuminating parts of the body bright enough to illuminate a dark room.
Observing oneself, including one's thoughts, as if one were a bystander.
intense ecstacy of cosmic unity.
Experiencing oneself as physically larger than the body.
Experiencing energy (synesthetically) as light.
Sensitivity to light, sound, and touch
Trance-like and altered states of consciousness
Extra electricity in your body, constantly getting zapped when you touch things
Pains & pressures in areas of spine, pressures so intense it blows certain vertebra out-of-place
Mental confusion, inability to focus mentally, temporary loss of certain words, names, terms etc.
Going a little “crazy” for periods
Clairvoyantly seeing other dimensional Beings
Smelling smokey burning incense when none is physically there
Sudden waves of nausea
Sudden waves of dizziness
Severe belly bloat, swelling in the gut & upper diaphragm area
Need for privacy
Sudden unexpected out-of-body experiences
Repeatedly coming awake at specific times of the night
Inability to sleep, inability to stay asleep
Extreme emotional phases, mourning, feeling love for all beings etc.
Expansions in consciousness, perceptions, quantum knowing things vs. linear thinking
Major ego dismantling
Kundalini practices are certainly no more dangerous than many of the activities people engage in for the sake of cheap thrills and sport. Just do it the right way.
If the chakras are not purified, then purification of the nadis will not serve any purpose. If the electrical junctions are not connected or properly organized, even if you have the best wiring available, how will the electrical energy be distributed? The chakras are the junctions from which the nadis, like cables, transmit the energy to different parts of the body. The seven primary chakras which exist based on the number of times ida and pingala criss-cross at sushumna.
Every cell of your body is directly related to one of the chakras. If you experience pain in any part of the body, the sensation will go to the chakra related to that particular area. This means your whole body is connected with one of the chakras.
For example, the urinary, excretory and reproductive systems are fed by swadhisthana chakra. The sexual organs are connected to mooladhara chakra. The digestive system, small intestine, large intestine, appendix, pancreas, duodenum, stomach and liver are all connected to manipura chakra. The heart and lungs are fed by anahata chakra. However, in most people, the chakras beyond manipura are dormant.
Because mooladhara chakra is the highest chakra in animal evolution, it is already functioning in most people. That is why everybody has a very acute sexual awareness and sex has become one of the most important events in man's life. Therefore, most of our social traditions are based upon this particular human requirement.
Specific Yogic asanas are intended to create mild awakening in the chakras. For example, sarvangasana will awaken vishuddhi, matsyasana will awaken anahata and bhujangasana will awaken swadhisthana.
Mind is not a psychological stuff, nor is it a thought process. Mind is energy. Anger, passion, greed, ambition, etc. are waves of that scalar energy. People with relased Kundalini sees everything as fractal geometry.
The mere fact that today's society is utilizing the five tattwas of tantra (meat, fish, wine, grain and sexual interaction) in everyday life means that in most people, kundalini is somewhere between mooladhara and swadhisthana. People who eat meat , kill , and lead base lives have their Kundalini dead asleep in Mooladhara. Once kundalini leaves swadhisthana and ascends to manipura and anahata, you no longer need the five tattwas. If you are stuck in mooladhara or swadhisthana, you will need to purify the higher chakras and bring them into operation.
Jesus Christ was a vegetarian when he left Kerala in India, by ship for Jerusalem. Roman Governor Pontius Pilate gave secret orders NOT to break his knee caps with a sledge hammer , as is the Roman tradition for punishment by crucification. He came to India by land route again and died in Kashmir at a ripe old age .
The nagas (serpents) of Hindu literature are none other than rishis, liberated yogis and enlightened adepts with released Kundalinis.
When the serpent’s tail is in its mouth, an endless circle is made, implying boundless wisdom and eternity itself. That is the union of a symbolised positive and negative charge . Lord Shiva is NOT a snake charmer living in a cremation ground eating dead flesh.
A lot of naïve Westerners need to re-write their ignorant literature on India. They need to know that the entire genius band of quantum physicists preferred Hindu method of cremation instead of burial, as they were shell shocked , that what they discovered were already written in the Vedas 7000 year ago— and were being handed down by oral route from 11000 BC till 5000 BC..
If man can consciously separate the soul from the body when he is alive, then death cannot cause any pain or misery. Yoga is the union of an individual consciousness with infinite consciousness. A yogi is a person who leans completely on the Supreme Consciousness, God, until they have merged their individual self with the Infinite Self.
Since 11000 BC, the tantrics and yogis have realized that in this physical body there is a potential force. It is not psychological, philosophical or transcendental, rather it is a dynamic potential force in the material body, and it is called kundalini. This kundalini is the greatest discovery of tantra and yoga. The mind is nothing but an extension of the body complex. Consciousness exists in your DNA .
After 21st Dec 2012, due to showering of cosmic rays, our 2 strand 97% junk DNA can be upgraded to 12 strand NIL junk—after which man will become superman—like the ancient Maharishis with king size pineal glands who could levitate, become invisible, do remote viewing ( like Sanjaya of Mahabharata war 4000 BC ) , read off past and future aakashik records, survive on sunlight, do remore healing, go into hibernation, die when they wanted ( Icchamrithyu ) by scalar time reversal of body cells..
All energy is a vortex-- NOT a wave, as you are told in your science books. Scalar waves faster than light can also be generated by balancing the RH and LH lobes of your brain, if your pineal gland is still not calcified. You cannot measure Scalar waves of 5 dimensional energy with 4 dimensional scientific equipment —and this does NOT make it kirlean camera pseudo science.
Scalar or longitudinal electromagnetic waves come in phase conjugate pairs.--of of which ONE IS TIME REVERSED. You can call this identical waves, basically a WAVE and an ANTI-WAVE ( following the laws of Tamas-Rajas ) that are in phase spacially, but out of phase temporarily. Rather 2 identical waves out of phase in time.
Scalar waves follow a mobius pattern on axis just like your DNA. Within the vascular mobius coil, there are subsets of figure of eight along major capillary networks. At the heart , the intersection of venous blood passing through the right atrium, over laps the aortic blood coming out of the left atrium.
This is what Mata Amritanandamayi or the hugging saint does—jump start your blocked chakras with scalar waves from her Mobius coil. Plasma --the 4th state of matter is a crystal like ionised gas, and a super conductor of electricity--as it has an abundance of free electrons. Plasma can convert a transverse electromagnetic wave to a scalar longitudinal wave.
There are essentially only two types of human beings - those who are on the pravritti path and those who are on the nivritti path. A man following the pravritti (outward) path looks away from bindu towards the outside world. He is almost entirely motivated by external events. This is the path of most people today and it leads away from self knowledge and into bondage.
The other path, the nivritti (reversed) path, is the spiritual path, the path of wisdom. On this path the individual begins to face the bindu, turning in towards the source of his being. This path leads to freedom. The path of evolution is the pravritti path of manifestation and extroversion. The path of involution leads back along the path that has produced your individual being. It leads back through the bindu to sahasrara.
The whole purpose of yoga practice is to help direct your awareness along the involutionary path. There is tremendous power ensheathed within the infinitesimal point.
For example, one theory about the origin of the universe suggests that an infinitely dense point of matter exploded in a 'big bang' to form the entire cosmos. Similarly, research in subatomic physics has revealed that vast amounts of power are found concentrated within the multitudinous different subatomic particles existing in the space/time continuum. Physics is moving into the realms of the ineffable bindu.
In molecular biology, the essence of bindu can be found in the DNA and RNA molecules, each one of which contains the complete genetic blueprint for the entire organism. . In tantra, each bindu, each particle of manifested existence is regarded as a center of power or shakti. This shakti is an expression of the underlying substratum of static consciousness. The aim of the tantric system is to bring about a fusion of Shakti - the individual manifested power, with Shiva - the inert, underlying universal consciousness.
Yogis and quantum physicists share a wonderful view of the universe as a sea of "quantum foam", of space and time existing not as fixed realities but as mental constructs.
Every day scientists find new diseases and pharma companies invent chemical drugs with destructive side effects. It is a money spinning industry. Why are there so many new chronic diseases that have entered our everyday vocabulary such as ADD, anorexia, bulimia, migraines, acid reflux, hypertension, diabetes, IBS, fibromyalgia, depression and chronic exhaustion to name just a few. Americans wanted to make Donald Trump of “You are fired” snarling fame their president. This is what this planet has been reduced to.
This solution is found in the practice of yoga. The fundamental purpose of the yoga practice is to allow the practitioner to find the balance between the polar opposites in their lives. Human beings must first slow down our minds long enough (by practicing introspection) to begin to notice their imbalanced thoughts, habits and actions.
To be in the moment and surgically remove your negativity , as a preparation to awaken your Kundalini, punch into Google search VIPASSANA MEDITATION- VADAKAYIL
To be in the moment and surgically remove your negativity , as a preparation to awaken your Kundalini, punch into Google search VIPASSANA MEDITATION- VADAKAYIL
Kundalini in Sanskrit literally means “coil.” Kundalini is the cosmic energy that lays dormant at the base of the spine in the perineum, and is symbolically depicted as a serpent.
Keep your mind open about all this. This is NOT Indian snake charmer mysticism .
One century ago if you told somebody that you can have a video call on your mobile phone, nobody would have believed you, right?
Yes, there are things science does NOT know.
Who is a scientist?
Is he God?
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