The whole world knows that Marconi got Nobel Prize for inventing the radio in 1909. In 1915 Nikola Tesla filed a court suit against Marconi for stealing his work . In 1943 after Tesla's death, the US court reversed the decision and proclaimed that Nikola Tesla is the inventor or radio and NOT Marconi. Being a Serb and a Orthodox church member, Tesla was subject to racism too.
But even Nikola Tesla and the whole of the Western world and the Nobel committee themselves knew that Marconi stole from Sir JC Bose, an Indian-- a genius far ahead of his time.
As early as 1896, JC Bose demonstrated the radio in front of the British Governor General. You must know that during this time India were slaves of the British Crown. He transmitted in front of the Governor General and a select audience more than 3 miles. This distance was from Presidency College Calcutta to Science College Calcutta.
At this time Swami Vivekananda advised him along with many of his admirers that he must Patent his work. He did NOT understand why knowledge should be patented and hence ignored this advise.
In 1896 Bose had travelled to London for a lecture tour and naively gave lot of information to Marconi- he never expected this man to steal his intellectual rights.
In 1899 JC Bose travelled to London and again demonstrated his work in front of a huge scientific committee, in the Royal Society of London. The audience included Lord Rayleigh ,( the Nobel Prize winner of Physics in 1904), JA Fleming , Professor of London University who leaked the secrets to Marconi, and Lord Lister President of Royal Society, among other eminent scientists.
He was immediately offered Professorship of Cambridge which Bose refused on the spot, pissing off the powers that be.
Many people had seen Marconi in the audience too. He was in London when Bose lost his research papers from his hotel room, including the circuit diagrams.
Later it was found that Marconi used exactly the same circuit diagram ( Coherer with telephone detector ) invented by Bose. Thief Marconi could NOT explain how this circuit works.
He then gave the lame excuse that a Italian Naval Engineer Solari developed it. Solari when asked to explain , refused point blank and said that he has nothing to do with it. Marconi then insisted that Italian professor Timasina drew the circuits, which Timasina again could NOT explain properly. The next man liar Marconi had in line in line was Paolo Castellini , who could also not explain how the circuit works.
What a disgrace!
JC Bose did NOT want to visit USA and he never did so. Vivekananda tried to set matters straight by taking a copy of JC Bose's work and giving it to his disciple in USA , Sara Chapman Bull, to file for a Patent in USA. Though she filed the application in 1901, the racists at the Patent Office granted it only on 29th March 1904 ( Patent number US 755840 ).
His pioneering works included--
JC Bose should have received Nobel prize twice as a brown Indian. One for radio and the other for P and N type Semiconductors.
If he was a White European Jew he would have got several Nobel prizes.
But for this Internet age and Google , this truth would have been buried. No brown Indian slave Hindu can upstage a superior ruling White man, right?
God wills it!
In the video below, 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.2 billion Indians making up 3 out of 6 people on earth do NOT have brains to get a Nobel prize, right? Yet it is strange inconsistency that if you go to any US university, the Computer Science and Electronic strain classes (which require brains and competition ), have only Indians and Chinese , with a sprinkling of whites. Does the Nobel prize have any meaning, when the only time a Muslim gets it for peace , is for throwing mud on Muslims, on behalf of Jews?
Grace and peace!
The whole world knows that Marconi got Nobel Prize for inventing the radio in 1909. In 1915 Nikola Tesla filed a court suit against Marconi for stealing his work . In 1943 after Tesla's death, the US court reversed the decision and proclaimed that Nikola Tesla is the inventor or radio and NOT Marconi. Being a Serb and a Orthodox church member, Tesla was subject to racism too.
But even Nikola Tesla and the whole of the Western world and the Nobel committee themselves knew that Marconi stole from Sir JC Bose, an Indian-- a genius far ahead of his time.
As early as 1896, JC Bose demonstrated the radio in front of the British Governor General. You must know that during this time India were slaves of the British Crown. He transmitted in front of the Governor General and a select audience more than 3 miles. This distance was from Presidency College Calcutta to Science College Calcutta.
At this time Swami Vivekananda advised him along with many of his admirers that he must Patent his work. He did NOT understand why knowledge should be patented and hence ignored this advise.
In 1896 Bose had travelled to London for a lecture tour and naively gave lot of information to Marconi- he never expected this man to steal his intellectual rights.
In 1899 JC Bose travelled to London and again demonstrated his work in front of a huge scientific committee, in the Royal Society of London. The audience included Lord Rayleigh ,( the Nobel Prize winner of Physics in 1904), JA Fleming , Professor of London University who leaked the secrets to Marconi, and Lord Lister President of Royal Society, among other eminent scientists.
He was immediately offered Professorship of Cambridge which Bose refused on the spot, pissing off the powers that be.
Many people had seen Marconi in the audience too. He was in London when Bose lost his research papers from his hotel room, including the circuit diagrams.
Later it was found that Marconi used exactly the same circuit diagram ( Coherer with telephone detector ) invented by Bose. Thief Marconi could NOT explain how this circuit works.
He then gave the lame excuse that a Italian Naval Engineer Solari developed it. Solari when asked to explain , refused point blank and said that he has nothing to do with it. Marconi then insisted that Italian professor Timasina drew the circuits, which Timasina again could NOT explain properly. The next man liar Marconi had in line in line was Paolo Castellini , who could also not explain how the circuit works.
What a disgrace!
JC Bose did NOT want to visit USA and he never did so. Vivekananda tried to set matters straight by taking a copy of JC Bose's work and giving it to his disciple in USA , Sara Chapman Bull, to file for a Patent in USA. Though she filed the application in 1901, the racists at the Patent Office granted it only on 29th March 1904 ( Patent number US 755840 ).
His pioneering works included--
Spark transmitters generating polarized sharp beam radio waves at Millimeter wave length.
Sensitive spiral spring coherer for millimeter waves.
Galena detector for millimeter waves, infrared and optical waves.
Dielectric lens for millimeter waves.
Wire grid polarizer for millimeter waves.
Cylindrical diffraction grating for millimeter waves.
Horn antenna.
Wireless radio remote control at millimeter waves,
Measurement of refractive index of dielectric materials,
Measurement of wavelength of millimeter waves by cylindrical grating.
Polarization study by wire grid polarizer.
Total reflection in prism-pair with air space.
Selective absorption in materialsJC Bose should have received Nobel prize twice as a brown Indian. One for radio and the other for P and N type Semiconductors.
If he was a White European Jew he would have got several Nobel prizes.
The Marconi scandal was a hushed up scandal that broke in the summer of 1912. It centred on allegations that highly-placed Zionist members of the corrupt Liberal Govt , under Prime Minister HH. Asquith, (who was a Rothschild stooge) were heavily bribed by Rothschild for improper use of information about the Government's intentions with respect to the Marconi Company--
-- knowing that the government was about to issue a lucrative contract to the British Marconi company for the Imperial Wireless Chain, they had bought shares in the Rothschild American subsidiary.
Marconi operating from Chelsmford was synonymous with World Communications in the Morse age—every communications would be eaves-dropped.
But for this Internet age and Google , this truth would have been buried. No brown Indian slave Hindu can upstage a superior ruling White man, right?
God wills it!
In the video below, 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.2 billion Indians making up 3 out of 6 people on earth do NOT have brains to get a Nobel prize, right? Yet it is strange inconsistency that if you go to any US university, the Computer Science and Electronic strain classes (which require brains and competition ), have only Indians and Chinese , with a sprinkling of whites. Does the Nobel prize have any meaning, when the only time a Muslim gets it for peace , is for throwing mud on Muslims, on behalf of Jews?
Punch into Google search-
Grace and peace!
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