Millions of words have been written of Sankhya philosophy in books and on the internet—all nonsense of the first order.
You need to format your mind first , to unlearn, before you start reading and learn what follows.
Nothing can be lifted from this blog post by copy and paste. All you can do is to provide a link . For it is the first time Sankhya philosophy is being correctly perceived.
It is easy to understand.
It is easy to understand.
This declared to you is the Yoga of the wisdom of Sankhya. Hear, now, of the integrated wisdom with which, Partha, you will cast off the bonds of karma.—Bhagavad Gita 2.39- 4000 BC
Sankhya philosophy unified the Advaita and Dvaita forms of Hinduism in a most interesting manner. Here when the insentient Prakriti ( female –Dvaita ) comes in contact with the sentient Purusha (male –Advaita ) , the universe evolves.
Check out the allegory- Purusha is bewitched nay entranced by Prakriti . Prakriti is only too eager to oblige by displaying her subtle charms.
As a dancer, after having performed for the observer , stops dancing, so does Prakṛti cease to perform for an individual Puruṣha when her task is accomplished. Female Prakirti has danced for male Puruṣha, and as he is no longer interested in her (“I have seen her”), she stops forever (“I have already been seen”).
Sankhya thus is a theory of evolution and understanding the universe. The dancing girl dances as long as the male observer is there. The moment the observer ceases to look at her and understands the dance perfectly, she fails to amuse him anymore.
Purusha, or supreme consciousness ( BrahmAn ) , is the impassive observer of all phenomena. Prakriti, excited in response to Purusa’s attention , has her gunas ( Yin-Yang or Tamas –Rajas ) thrown out of equilibrium.
She moves from transcendence to immanence and undergoes a series of transformations through which the multiform world comes into being. Purusha, was never really in bondage, or enmeshed with Prakriti.
Prakriti cannot be perceived, not because of its non-existence, but because of its subtlety. It is perceived in its effects.
Sa N khya and Sa M khya is the same thing.
Originally called saNkhya. But corrupted by the west to be saMkhya in English. Like Murali in India became Moodley or Govinda became Govender ( indentured labour ) in south Africa.
Later bullshit explanations were given ,that Sankhya referred to the dynamic counting process of interactions in the universe whereas Samkhya meant an objective evaluation of an equalized state in passive existence( sic!)—whatever that may mean.
SaNkya means “enumeration” (numerical counting logic) in Sanskrit and Malayalam. 'Samkhya', has been given a spin to be sense of thinking by the white Christian indophile spin doctors.
Buddhists have murdered Sankhya philosophy in cold blood. . In Buddhism there is no Purusha, no Prakriti. Buddhism does not accept world as real. It is idealism. But Sankhya accepts the world as real.
Sankhya accepts the principle of satkarya-vada, i.e. the effect exists in cause, which is the corner stone of Dvaita form of Hinduism. There is hardly any similarity between Sankhya and Buddhism.
Buddha was a mortal of Gautama gotra. Buddhists presented Maharishi Kapila as a philosopher whose students built the city of Kapilavastu in a false manner. For Buddha lived and grew up in Kapilavastu for the first 29 years of his life..
So the white Christian man was happy, as that pushed back Maharishi Kapila back in time by 6000 years. Maharishi Kapila is mentioned by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita of 4000 BC.
Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita is labeled as Sankhya Yoga. The first proponent of Sankhya Philosophy was Maharishi Kapila, a descendant of Manu and his parents were Kardama Muni and Devahuti.
The Sankhya philosophy of Kapila was the first rational system that the world ever saw- but don’t ever imagine that this is an aethist system, as tom tommed by the white Freemason , eager to shore up stupid Charles Darwin.
The Sāṁkhyapravacana Sūtra in verse no. 1.92 directly states that existence of "God is unproved"—nicely injected in position by the white Freemason.
Now first let me put some quotations so that you can understand that Sankhya philosophy precede the Vedas written in 5000 BC and the Mahabharata in 4000 BC, and is treated with respect by ancient stalwarts.
The root cause (Brahman) is to be apprehended by Sankhya-yoga - Svetasvatara Upanisad (6.13) -5000 BC
There is no wisdom like Sankhya – Mahabharata 4000 BC
I have said before that two paths are available in this world - Yoga of knowledge as followed by the Sankhyas and Yoga of action as practiced by the Yogins .– Bhagawat Gita (3.3)- 4000 BC
The ignorant differentiate between Sankhya and Yoga; not the wise. He who considers the two as integrated has the right insight – Bhagawat Gita (5.4)
Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Narada. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.- Bhagawat Gita (10.26)
Mahrishi Kapila Muni’s work is lost forever. The principal extant text for this system is Sankhya-karika of Ishwara-krishna which is of a more recent date of 4th century CE. It is a condensed and mutilated account in seventy-two verses, for he was NOT a seer with 12 strand DNA and a king sized pineal gland..
Sankhya system allows for only 3 sources of valid knowledge – perception (Pratyaksa,) inference (Anumana) and veridical testimony (Shabda.).
In Sankhya, direct perception is the most important and fundamental source of all knowledge. When senses cannot directly perceive due to their limitations, inference is needed such as in philosophical disputations. The very existence of Purusa ( BrahmAn – morphogenetic consciousness ) is possible only through inference.
The Sankhya system is so called because it describes twenty-five categories or principles of the whole universe. It gives the names of twenty-five principles of the universe, and describes the methods, by which we can know and analyze these principles and their nature.
Purusha is neither produced nor does it produce. Prakriti is not produced but it produces. Sankhya cites out two types of perceptions- Indeterminate (nirvikalpa) perceptions and determinate (savikalpa) perceptions.
The Sankhya philosopher accepts three kinds of evidences, namely direct perception, hypothesis and traditional authority. The order is important, for we use inference only when perception is impossible, and only if both are silent do we accept tradition.
He identifies three kinds of procedures--namely, parimanat (transformation), samanvayat (adjustment) and saktitah (performance of energies)--as the causes of the cosmic manifestation. Sankhya is to take into account all the important factors of the cosmos including the human being who is conscious and has brahmAn in his DNA.
Bhagavad-gita (13.22) affirms:
purusah prakrti-stho hi
bhunkte prakrti-jan gunan
karanam guna-sango 'sya
"The living entity in material nature thus follows the ways of life, enjoying the three modes of nature. This is due to his association with that material nature. Thus he meets with good and evil among various species.”
Sankhya was introduced by Maharishi Kapil to his disciple Asuri and his old mother Devhooti for liberation just before her death.
Tattva is a Sanskrit and Malayalam word meaning 'principle', 'reality' .
The Sankhya-Yoga system divides all knowable phenomena into 25 Tattvas.
The Sankhya-Yoga system divides all knowable phenomena into 25 Tattvas.
25. Purusha – the sentient being (consciousness), the experiencer
24. Prakriti – primal nature (root of all insentient matter)
Antahkaranas – internal organs
23. Mahat-Buddhi – intelligence
22. Ahamkara – objective ego
21. Manas – mind
Jnanendriyas Sense-organs, for receiving the bhutas and the tanmatras, viz
20 karna (the auditory sense)
19 tvak (the thermal sense)
18 chaksu (the visual sense)
17 rasana (the gustatory sense)
16 nasa (the olfactory sense)
Karmaendriyas organs of action, viz.
15 vak (vocal organ)
14 pani (manual organ)
13 pada (organ of locomotion)
12 payu (excretory organ)
11 upastha (genital organ)
Tanmatras – subtle elements
10. Shabda – sound
9. Sparsha – feel
8. Rupa – form
7. Rasa – taste
6. Gandha – smell
Mahabhutas – gross elements
5. Akasha – space
4. Vayu – air
3. Tejas – fire
2. Ap – water
1. Prithivi – earth
The tattvas are guideposts to orient ourselves within the map and to see what we experience as separate concepts are truly part of a larger whole. .
Patanjali drew heavily upon Sankhya philosophy in the development of his Yoga Sutras, and many of the practical methods and techniques of yoga rest on Sankhya's philosophical foundations. . Yoga is a complete exercise program for body, mind and spirit.
The Bhagavad Gita terms three prominent types of yoga:
Karma yoga: The yoga of action.
Bhakti yoga: The yoga of devotion.
Jnana yoga: The yoga of knowledge
The first product of creation is Mahat. Mahat is the highest principle; it is the intellect or Buddhi. From Mahat, arises Ego (Ahamkara) and then the mind (Manas.).
Subsequently the 5 sense organs (Jnanendriyas,) 5 organs of action (Karmendriyas,) 5 objects of the senses (Tanmatras) and 5 gross elements (Pancabhutas) are created.
This is creation.
In dissolution, the process is reversed.
We have accounted for 23 Tattvas here. The other two are Purusa and Avyakta, together forming the 25 Tattvas. It is this enumeration that earned the appellation Sankhya for this philosophical system.
Samkhya as you can see was a masterpiece of modeling the ways of the inner universe.
Now comes the crunch—check out how Sankhya marries Advaita and Dvaita forms of Hindusim.
Purusha is the Advaita form of Hindusim. The Advaita looks at God as brahmAn, the intelligent morphogenetic consciousness field -- the akasha , the space between the electrons in an atom.
Prakirthi is the Dwaita form of Hindusim which looks at God as the trinity of creator Brahma, preserver Vishnu and destroyer Shiva, also known as Tamas –Sattva – Rajas . The modern world knows this as Yin-Yang . Tamas –Rajas or Yin-Yang or Prakriti is mediated by consciousness of Purusha. It is preserved by Sattva of Dvaita mode.
Energy/ matter
Particle/ wave
Cathode/ anode
Conscious/ subconscious
Aerobic bacteria/ anaerobic
Catablism/ anabolism
Potential energy/ kinetic energy
Attraction/ repulsion
Excitation/ inhibition
Birth/ decay
Static / dynamic
Organic / inorganic
Freezing/ melting
Vaporization/ condensation
Positive pole/ negative pole
North pole/ southpole magnetic
Ionization/ de-ionistaion
Clockwise vortex/ counterclockwise vortex
Absorption/ secretion
Contraction/ relaxation
Evaporation/ condensation
Conscious/ Subconscious
Left brain lobe/ Right brain lobe
These dual poles Tamas –Rajas are connected via consciousness. It is about the quantum possibility wave vibration between two poles. If the restraining balance or equilibrium is lost , the universe will spiral out of control and end.
This guarantees change, growth and evolution Lessening of Yin- always results in increase of Yang and vice versa. One cannot exist without the other and they are mutually dependant . Balance can never be permanent— Yin and Yang continuously devour each other – and life flows on.
Maharishi Kapila said that the universe arose through the union of nature (prakriti) and consciousness (purusha). In chapter 10, verse 26, of Bhagawat Gita Sri Krishna identifies himself with Mahrishi Kapila as the master of Siddhi. . Sankhya unified the two concepts of science and religion by demonstrating its equivalence through axiomatic laws.
The Sankhya system is based on Sat-kārya-vāda or the theory of causation. According to Satkāryavāda, the effect is pre-existent in the cause.
Philosophical texts from this era such as the Katha Upanishad, Shvetashvatara Upanishad and Bhagavad Gita have clear references to Sankhyan terminology and concepts. The Sankhya system is an evolutionary theory of matter beginning with primordial matter.
In evolution, Prakriti is transformed and differentiated into multiplicity of objects. Evolution is followed by dissolution. In dissolution the physical existence, all the worldly objects mingle back into Prakriti, which now remains as the undifferentiated, primordial substance.
Tantric system borrows the abstract dualism of Sankhya and modifies it into a personified male–female dualism.
As we evolve, the spirit will control the mind and body to determine our thoughts, words and actions. At the apex of evolution, the mind takes its cues from the spirit and the body from the mind. 40 HZ neural Gamma oscillations that result in our human consciousness and our spiritual intelligence have their root in nothing less than 'God'.
Spirit is the principle of conscious life-- the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul. There is no matter as such. Matter exists because of an intelligent force which holds the spiralling atoms . Energy when slowed down becomes coalesced matter which our 5 senses pick up. The holographic mind is the matrix of all matter.
All thinking in India continue to be affected by Vedanta which, even though we may not be aware of it, is the very root of our culture and beliefs. The Upanishads, the Vedanta Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita are called the Prasthana Traya, continue to be the three authoritative scriptures of Hinduism.
For further reading on Hinduism, punch into Google search-
Below - the picture of the base of a missing Shiva Lingam found during Harappa excavations (concealed by the British ) to prove that Shiva concept did NOT exist in 4000 BC. They only showed Shiva as Pashupati.
Below - the picture of the base of a missing Shiva Lingam found during Harappa excavations (concealed by the British ) to prove that Shiva concept did NOT exist in 4000 BC. They only showed Shiva as Pashupati.
Prakriti functions by borrowing conscioussness from Purusha.
Grace and peace!
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