In 1883 Russian Czar Alexander Alexandrovich , known historically as Alexander III who reigned as Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Prince of Finland , went to Baku to visit the fire temple Ateshgah.
He witnessed a full Vedic Agnihotra from the homan pit lit by a natural naphta fire , conducted by Indian Hindu Brahmins. In fact this was arranged just for his majesty's eyes.
Till the Czar visited this Fire temple at Baku, Azerbaijan it laid neglected, for the violent Islamic influence had driven away all the peace loving Hindus.
Those who are curious to know what a Agnihotra is , punch into Google search--
Now I want you to check out the video below. You can see the Vedic homam pit built at an angle of 51 degrees 49 minutes
This pyramid is based on the Indian divine geometry Sri Yantra of 8000 BC. The Egyptian pyramids built by Vedic Maharishis also have EXACTLY the same angle.
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The fire temple at Baku was built during the reign of the great Indian Emperor Vikramaditya in 7000 BC, who ruled from Palestine to Urals to Vietnam..
In 1683 a German traveler Kaempfer has visited Baku. He noted that there are seven fire holes at the Hindu temple. Originally when the temple was built it had nine eternal flames. This is the spot where Shiva’s wife Goddess Sati’s heart fell.
There are several King Vikramadityas in Indian history, and this name has been hijacked by the white Christian invader over brandy and cigars , to show that he is a most recent phenomenon. As per the Bible and Vatican the cosmos and world was created on 23rd Oct 4004 BC, at exactly 9 AM . So how can someone exist before 4004 BC? Pray?
British actor Sir Richard Burton, who first translated the tales of Vikramaditya into English, even ventures to call him, "the King Arthur of the East." TEE HEEE !!
Emperor Vikramaditya’s royal seal was the Swastika, which is a symbol found on Shiva’s son Lord Ganesha’s palm .
Encyclopedia Britannica says Kaaba at Mecca has 360 idols including a King Vikramaditya inscripted gold dish, in a temple chamber called Ishalayam.
King Vikramaditya ruled 7500 years before the birth of Islam. Idol worship is banned in Islam.
King Vikramaditya ruled 7500 years before the birth of Islam. Idol worship is banned in Islam.
The lying British historians gave Vikramaditya nine jewels (sic!) in his court. One gem is poet Kalidasa who wrote a recent Shakuntala and the other is Dhanwantari -- even Varahamihira ( Mihira Muni 2660 BC ) .
What the stupid Christian historians does NOT realize is that Dhanwantari is a product of Samudra Manthan.
In Kerala , my home state every Ayurvedic doctor, after graduation , has to compulsorily go to the 6000 year old Dhanwantari temple near Guruvayur Kerala , for spiritual invocation.
The Indian Parsis have used their Rothschild opium drug business agency connection to delete true history and claim this fire temple as a Zoroaster fire temple. This is absolute nonsense and a big lie.
Other than the fire there is absolutely NOTHING else the Parsis can claim. Can they claim Lord Shiva’s trishul which is inset there since antiquity.
Other than the fire there is absolutely NOTHING else the Parsis can claim. Can they claim Lord Shiva’s trishul which is inset there since antiquity.
Vedic Indians are the first fire worshippers. Hindusim is being practiced from 9500 BC, while Zoroaster religion is very recent religion.
And there is an exact replica of this eternal natural gas flame temple on a smaller scale in India at Kangra valley Himachal Pradesh. This Indian temple is called Jwalamukhi, Jwala meaning a natural fire and Mukhi meaning mouth in Sanskrit. There the fire is considered an incarnation of the goddess Durga.
And there is an exact replica of this eternal natural gas flame temple on a smaller scale in India at Kangra valley Himachal Pradesh. This Indian temple is called Jwalamukhi, Jwala meaning a natural fire and Mukhi meaning mouth in Sanskrit. There the fire is considered an incarnation of the goddess Durga.
This Jwalamukhi temple where Lord Shiva’s wife Sati’s tongue fell is 30 km. from Kangra and 56 km. from Dharamshala. Jwalamukhi means the 'Flamming Goddess'. It is one of the most popular Hindu temples in Northern India.
There is no idol and the flame is considered a manifestation of the Goddess. The eternal flame issues from the rock sanctum . The Indian priests will tell you that the big Jwalamukhi Goddess temple is in Baku. .
There is no idol and the flame is considered a manifestation of the Goddess. The eternal flame issues from the rock sanctum . The Indian priests will tell you that the big Jwalamukhi Goddess temple is in Baku. .
If the Fire Temple at Baku were really Zoroastrian it would be the only one of its kind , that is not fed by wood as per tradition. Above is a dome which is not round (circular) as in a Parsee Atash Kadeh.
Near this building, there is a cremation pit place about 10 feet long where old skull fragments were found . Can this ever happen at a Parsee Atash Kadeh. They need a tower for their vultures.
In the center of the dome, there is a big opening from which natural sunlight will shine in the pit as is requied by the rules of Agnihotra . In a Parsee Atash Kadeh, great care is taken to ensure that no natural sunlight shines directly on the holy fire in the sanctum sanctorum. All know this. On the four sides of this building, port holes have been provided for the Agnihotra homam smoke to escape.
Baku in Azerbaijani language actually signifies a Vedic Goddess.
The Baku temple is about 18 feet square using the principle of Vaastu. In the center is a Agnihotra havanam or homam pit about 3 feet deep and about 4 feet square. . The fire burnt continuously due to the natural gas emitting from the bottom of the pit. In a Parsee Atash Kadeh, for the central fire, a high platform like a throne is erected, NOT a sunken inverted pyramid pit.
At the entrance of the temple , there is a foundation stone with inscription in Dev Nagrik script, which in the beginning invokes Shiva’s son Lord Ganesha. . This inscription contains nine lines . The first row has a bell of the shape found in a Hindu temple.
Then a sun, then a homam fire , then a Shiva’s trishul ( trident ) , and a Swastika Vedic symbol. In the inscription, you can see “SHREE GANESHAAYANUM” in the first line, the Vikramaajeet Hindu calendar year (“Vikramaajeet Saake”) in the second line and “Shree Jwaalaajee” (the fire ball) in the third line.
Around the temple there is a large square with 25 rooms. They are closed from outside , so it appears as a compound wall . Every cell has a door but no windows. In one of them is a wall painting of Hindu God, Lord Ganesha exists . Some walls have pictures of banyan trees ( found in Hindu temples ) and Shiva’s trident.
One of these cells is more than 35 feet long like a common dormitory. Some cells have a dome like structure at the top. Two cells were used to tie up the horses of the visitors. In 20 cells there are Sanskrit inscriptions in Devnagiri script.
Near the temple is the Vourukash sea ( Caspian sea ). Caspain sea is originally Kashyapa sea. The caviar fish called “Kur Maachee” or Sevruga sturgeon caviar fish . Machee is fish in Sanskrit and Hindi.
In the Lenin Museum in Moscow, the idols removed from baku temple is exhibited.
Some statues show Hindu priests in dhoti sitting cross legged doing a Agnihotra fire homam. Some are shown singing kirtans with Hindu musical instruments. They have red dots (Tilaks) on their foreheads, which nobody else puts . Some are shown weaving a rug.
It has an explanatory tablet in Russian in which they are clearly identified as Hindus. The English translation reproduced verbatim is as follows:- “Near the town Baku in the villages of Souratshaanaa and Emidjan where the fire (naphtha) comes from the earth lived the Hindoos, who came from India. They were Brahmans. They made a temple and adored the fire many years. They lived there, but now they are not at Baku. It is said then years before they lived in little rooms and worked for money. They built their cells. They are not the Parsees - the Guebers who adored Zarathushtra”.
The custodian Russian lady has the catalog: “The Description of the Collections in the Ethnographical Museums”
So sorry, my dear Parsees, tough luck. Don’t try to grab a chunk of history which is not yours.
There are twenty inscriptions embedded in the the stone walls of the temple complex. Eighteen are in the Nagari Devnagri script, one is in Punjabi using the Gurumukhi script ( Guru Nanak visited Baku temple before he went to Mecca ) and one is a bilingual inscription in Sanskrit and Persian.
This bilingual inscription is dedicated to Lord Ganesh, Jwalaji and fire, and is dated Samvat 1802 (1745-46 CE). The Punjabi language inscription is a quotation from the Adi Granth. The other inscriptions include an invocation to Lord Shiva.
Heavy exploitation of the natural gas reserves in the area during Soviet rule resulted in the eternal flame getting extinguished in 1969. Tourists stopped coming. Today, the museum’s fire is fed by mains gas piped in from Baku. This is one of the most holy pilgrimage places for Hindus, being a Shaktipeedam. Islam rule and then later Communist atheist rule killed this age old pilgrimage.
You must know that Baku and Samarkand were old trading areas , where Indian Ayurvedic medicines sole like hot cakes. Also in great demand was Indian Teak wood and carpenters from Kerala and Gujarat.
Jonas Hanway commenting in his, An Historical Account of the British Trade Over the Caspian Sea, 1753 AD states " There is a little temple, in which the Indians worship: near the altar about 3 feet high is a large hollow cane, from the end of which iffues a blue flame... . These Indians affirm, that this flame has continued ever since the flood, and they believe it will last to the end of the world. ...”
Of course Jonas can never ever imagine anything older than Noah’s ark of 2500 BC , as per the old testament of Bible..
According to Dr. Sir Ervad Jivanji Jamshedji Modi (1854-1933), a prominent Zoroastrian Indian priest, scholar and Parsi community leader, the fire temple of Baku is a Hindu temple . He is 100% sure about this after examining the temple .
He wrote more than 70 books, produced over 120 scholarly papers on Zoroastrian history, traveled and researched into Zoroastrian affairs extensively and was instrumental in organizing the Parsi community in India. During his lifetime he had been called "the greatest living authority on the ancient history and customs of the Parsis. Over 45 years from 1888-1933 he gave 350 public lectures.
Jivanji traveled extensively right into his senior years in the service of his anthropological researches. When awarding him the honorary LL.D. the Governor of Bombay and Chancellor of the University of Bombay, Sir Ernest Hotson referred to Jivanji as his own particular friend and “.. world famous as a scholar of Sanskrit, Persian and Avesta ...unquestionably the greatest living authority on the ancient history and customs of the Parsis...(with) many marks of recognition ..and honour” .
Is Modi’s statement available on the internet not good enough for the skeptic Parsis?
Every single Europeans who visited this area in the 17th and 18th centuries mention the “brahmins,” the “Indian ascetics,” or the worship of the Hindu fire god, Agni, they observed at Atashgah.
By the way punch into Google search STONEHENGE OF ARKAIM RUSSIA AJIT VADAKAYIL, and get a bit shocked.
In his book My Travels Outside Bombay Iran, Azerbaijan, Baku (1926) (translated from Gujarati by Soli Dastur) notes: "the original trade routes and customs changed and the visits of the Hindu traders diminished. And from the original group of the Brahmins, some passed away and a few that were left went back to their original home land." By the time of Modi's visit in 1925, the Surakhani atash gah had been abandoned.
Now let me digress—
My readers will wonder –what is all this tongue of Sati and heart of Sati ?
All they know is Sati was a bad Hindu custom where the poor Hindu widow was thrown into the funeral pyre of her husband.
Nothing is further from the truth. This was false propaganda by the British using a stooge by the name of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Women are NEVER allowed to go to the cremation yard , as per timeless Hindu custom.
Yes, in Rajastan after the Muslims invaded, there was this practice of Jauhar of Rajput women. In front of their husbands the women and children jumped into the fire on their own accord , when the writing was clear on the wall, that the battle would be lost. This forced the brave Rajputs warriros to fight to the last man , and NOT run away in battle.
Consuming poison was no use as the Muslim invaders raped dead women and then buried them . The pretty ones were taken as sex slaves. Jumping into the fire primarily fused their vaginas and of course -- to a Hindu cremation means liberation of the soul.
When Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839, after a reign of nearly forty years, leaving seven sons by different queens. He was cremated, his ceremony was performed by both Sikh and Hindu priests. His Hindu wife Maharani Mahtab Devi Sahiba, the Empress of Punjab, the Princess of Kangra, daughter of Maharaja Sansar Chand, committed Sati with Ranjit's body as Ranjit's head lay in her lap; some of the other wives also joined her and committed Sati. They were NOT forced to do Sati ( self immolate ). And Sati is NOT a Sikh custom.
Probably my next post will be about this great king.
Now let me narrate the lore--
Legend goes that Sati was born when Gods concentrated their energy at a point on the ground to create a girl powerful enough to destroy even the fiercest of demons. The Goddess, took human birth at the bidding of the god Brahma. Sati was born as a daughter of Daksha Prajapati and his wife Prasuti.
Daksha was a son of Brahma and a great king and magnate in his own right. The girl was named Gauri, "the turmeric-hued one,". As the daughter of Daksha, she is also known as Dakshayani. She is also called Satī By this logic, Sati is grand-daughter of Brahma by Daksha, but is also great grand-daughter of Brahma because Prasuti is daughter of Manu (Manu is son of Brahma).
In bidding the Goddess to take human birth, Brahma's design was that she should please Shiva with humble devotions and wed him. It was natural that Gauri ( Sati ) , even as a child, adored the tales and legends associated with Shiva and grew up an ardent devotee. As Sati grew to womanhood, the idea of marrying anyone else, as intended by her father, became anathema to her.
Every proposal from valiant and rich kings made her crave evermore the ascetic of Kailasa, the God of Gods, who bestowed all on this world and himself foreswore all. To win the regard of the ascetic Shiva, the daughter of king Daksha forsook the luxuries of her father's palace and retired to a forest, there to devote herself to austerities and the worship of Shiva.
So rigorous were her penances that she gradually renounced food itself, at one stage subsisting on one bilva leaf a day, and then giving up even that nourishment; this particular abstinence earned her the sobriquet Aparnā. Her prayers finally bore fruit when, after testing her resolve, Shiva finally acceded to her wishes and consented to make her his bride.
An ecstatic Sati returned to her father's home to await her bridegroom, but found her father less than elated by the turn of events. The wedding was however held in due course, and Sati made her home with Shiva in Kailasa. Daksha, depicted in legend as an arrogant king, did not get on with his renunciative son-in-law and basically cut his daughter away from her natal family.
To get even , Daksha Prajapati Daksha, the father of Sati once organized a grand yajna to which all the gods were invited, with the exception of Sati and Shiva. Wanting to visit her parents, relatives and childhood friends, Sati sought to rationalize this omission. She reasoned within herself that her parents had neglected to make a formal invitation to them only because, as family, such formality was unnecessary; certainly, she needed no invitation to visit her own mother and would go anyway.
Sati pestered Shiva to go to Yajna. Shiva maintained that they should not go uninvited. Shiva sought to dissuade her, but she was resolved upon going; he then provided her with an escort of his ganas and bid her provoke no incident.
Sati was received coldly by her father. They were soon in the midst of a heated argument about the virtues (and alleged lack thereof) of Shiva. Every passing moment made it clearer to Sati that her father was entirely incapable of appreciating the many excellent qualities of her husband.
The realization then came to Sati that this abuse was being heaped on Shiva only because he had wed her; she was the cause of this dishonour to her husband. Sati noticed that no seat (assan) had been earmarked for her husband Shiva, even if he had gone, which meant a deliberate attempt to humiliate Shiva.
She was consumed by rage against her father and loathing for his mentality. Calling up a prayer that she may, in a future birth, be born the daughter of a father whom she could respect, Sati plunged herself into the havankund of Yajna.
The exact spot where the yagya or homam took place , in which Sita self immolated is where the amazing and powerful Kottiyoor temple is situated in Kerala . This spot is THE oldest spot of Shiva-Sati worship in India.
After the yagna got over Lord Shiva took the form of Swayambhu linga and stayed next to where Sati immolated herself. Since all the gods and goddesses were present in the place this place got to be known as Koodiyur ( renamed by British as Kottiyoor ).
Shiva sensed this catastrophe, and his rage was incomparable Shiva rushed to the spot and found Sati half burnt and dead.
He loved Sati more than any and would never love after her. So, he created Virabhadra and Bhadrakali, some call as [Manbhadra], two ferocious creatures who wreaked havoc and mayhem on the scene of the horrific incident. Nearly all those present were indiscriminately felled overnight. Daksha himself was decapitated.
The gruesome deed done , Shiva performed the fearsome and awe-inspiring Tandava dance .
Shiva then placed his wife Gauri's ( Sati ) body on his shoulder and ran about the world, crazed with grief.
In order to protect the universe from the wrath of Shiva, Lord Vishnu dismembered the body of Sati used his Sudarshana Chakra . The dismembered parts of her body fell at 54 different places in India, Turkey, Azaerbaijan and Sri lanka.
These places came to be known as Shaktipeeths or centers of power. Her tongue fell at the spot where the Jwalamukhi temple near Kangra is now situated. These places have become major centers of pilgrimage as they are held by the Goddess-oriented Shakta sect to be particularly holy.
After the night of horror, Shiva, the all-forgiving, restored all those who were slain to life and granted them his blessings. Even the abusive and culpable Daksha was restored both his life and his kingship.
His decapitated head was substituted for that of a goat. Having learned his lesson, Daksha spent his remaining years as a devotee of Shiva.
Satī, reincarnated as Parvati , Shiva’s second wife and is the mother of Lord Ganesha and Lord Skanda (Kartikeya).
She is also known by 108 names from the Durga Saptashati. Her different mood brings different forms or incarnation. Parvati is considered to be Goddess Kali herself in her most ferocious form. As Durga she is black in color and rides on lion, she is known as the original slayer of Demon Mahishasura.
54 Shakti Peethas of Sati, proves that all Goddesses are expansions of the Goddess Parvati.
In the Sri yantra divine geometry , revealed in 8000 BC to the Maharishi seers , the 3 lines intersect at 54 points ( number of sanskrit alphabets ) .
With Shiva and Shakti qualities ( Yin Yang ) making the magic number 108, or the number of beads in a Rudraksha mala.
Jwalamukhi pertains to the 9 forms of Durga ( Sati), hence 9 eternal flames in the fire temple. The nine flames have been named after goddesses - Mahakali, Unpurna, Chandi, Hinglaj, Bindhya Basni, Maha Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ambika and Anji Devi, continuously burning without adding any fuel, or human assistance.
Sri Yantra in 3D consists of 9 spiral energy vortices , 5 pointing downwards and 4 pointing upwards – the mystical holographic construct of the Cosmos, revealed to seers in 8000 BC.
Now about the fire temple at Kangra valley Himachal Pradesh, India. . It is the most renowned temple of Goddess Durga in India.
A cowherd found that one of his cows was always without milk. He followed the cow to find out the cause. He saw a girl come out of the forest, drink the cows milk, and then disappear in a flash of light. The cowherd went to the king and told him the story. The king was aware of the legend that Sati's tongue had fallen in this area. The king tried, without success, to find that sacred spot.
Again, some years later, the cowherd went to the king to report that he had seen a flame burning in the mountains. The king found the spot and had darshan (vision) of the holy flame. He built a temple there and arranged for priests to enguage in regular worship. It is believed that the Pandavas came later in 4000 BC, and renovated the temple.
Again, some years later, the cowherd went to the king to report that he had seen a flame burning in the mountains. The king found the spot and had darshan (vision) of the holy flame. He built a temple there and arranged for priests to enguage in regular worship. It is believed that the Pandavas came later in 4000 BC, and renovated the temple.
Aarti is performed five times in the day, havan is performed once daily and portions of Durga Saptasati are recited.
The temple was looted and destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1009.
The Mughal Emperor Akbar, learning about the legends of Jwalamukhi tried to douse the flames with a stream of water. However, the great power of the Goddess, still kept the flames burning. Realizing the power of Jwala Devi, Akbar came with his army to this temple. He brought a Gold umbrella (Chatra) for the Goddess, but on offering, the umbrella turned into an unknown metal suggesting that the Goddess did not accept his offering.
You can see that the archway style of this ancient Indian temple is the same as in the temple at Baku.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh paid a visit to the temple in 1815 and the dome of the temple was gold-plated by him.
Just a few feet above the Jwalamukhi temple there is a six-feet deep pit with a circumference of about three-feet. At the bottom of this pit there is another small pit about one and a half feet deep with hot water bubbling all the time.
In 1802 Ranjit Singh learnt of the drop dead gorgeous daughters of the Raja of Kangra, Sansar Chand Katoch . At that time he was just 22 years old. The father would NOT give his daughter to a shot man with one eye and face pock marked with small pix—to be frank Maharaja Ranjit Singh, though a great king was repulsively ugly and could neither read or write.
The army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh advanced on Kangra and in a series of battles the Raja was defeated. He took refuge in Kangra Fort, but Ranjit Singh assaulted the fort through one of the gates which even now carries his name as “Ranjit Singh Gate”. Raja Sansar Chand ultimately agreed to give his daughters in marriage , sued for peace and was given his territory back.
Ranjit Singh married both the princesses at this fire temple of Jwalalmukhi, and had both servicing him on the wedding night, together ( as per his French general ) . One of the Rajput sisters Maharani Mahtab Devi Sahiba (Guddan Raj Banso) performed sati at the death of the Maharaja, she sat calmly with his head in her lap , while the funeral fire was lit . The other sister was prevented as she was supposed to be pregnant...
Just a few feet above the Jwalamukhi temple there is a six-feet deep pit with a circumference of about three-feet. At the bottom of this pit there is another small pit about one and a half feet deep with hot water bubbling all the time.
The legend has that there was a time the Mount Himalaya and its surroundings were under the abstract control of the demons. They harassed the life of deities and sages, they all appealed to Lord Vishnu. As instructed by Lord Vishnu, all the spiritual energies of the deities turned into a flame and as desired by the deities and Sages Goddess .
Sati was rose from the flame and she was brought up by Daksha Prajapath. Sati was born in a Agnihotra fire and died in the same fire.
Kandahar city in Afghanistan is the current mispronunciation of the Sanskrit term “Gandhar” which was the capital of a flourishing ancient Hindu kingdom. Gandhari, wife of King Dhritarastra was born in 4100 BC here.
After their defeat in the Mahabharata war, many of the Kaurva descendants settled in the Kandhar region which was their maternal home. From there they gradually moved to what are currently known as Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In ancient times, Arab horses were well-known for their fine breed (Arva in Sanskrit signifies a horse). Being warriors, Kaurvas highly appreciated the well-bred horses of the region. That is why they named the region as Arvasthan (Land of Horses)—
Arabia ,now rings a bell, right?.
There is a Shiva temple in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan even today.
Right from Palestine ( Palisthan), every STAN like Pakistan, Rajastan, Afghanishan, Uzbekistan, Krgystan, Tajikistan ete belonged to the old Vikramaditya empire .
There were hundred of Shiva temples in all these places. Shiva temples have a black meteorite stone , like the one in the SE corner of Kaaba Mecca.
Raja Bhoj has been dated at 1034 AD by the British and pushed back by 4000 years.
The Bhoj Shala Saraswati temple is one of the oldest temples in India .
The huge temple cum university complex was destroyed by the Moghul invaders and a dargah of a Sufi saint, Kamaal Maulana installed.
See the picture. .
The Muslims do namaz there on Fridays. So, Muslims can offer Namaz in Bhojshala 52 times in a year, but Hindus are allowed to perform puja only once in a year .
The shrine is empty, and the main deity of Goddess Saraswati is supposed to be in London museum.
The alloy metal deity of Shri Vagdevi is also missing..
Vararuchi, the great Kerala hero was named by the British historians as one of the 9 gems of Emperor Vikramaditya .
This is nonsense.
Vararuchi was Raja Bhoj’s religious and Vedic knowledge minister in 2800 BC.
Vararuchi from whom Varahamihira drew inspiration -- the founder of Kerala system of Astrology, whose work Chandra Vakyas, and Kapatayadi system of counting is well documented. Vararuchi lived 200 years before Varahamihira ( Mihir Muni 2660 BC ).
There was a large wheel depicted on the wall on which were written many verses . These were all on Vyaakarana ( grammar ) . The entire Vyaakarana Shastra had been written in verse and charted in the form of a wheel . It is claimed that a mere glance at the giant wheel would make the Vyaakarana clear .
Since Vyaakarana has the status of an object of reverence and worship , the wheel of Vyaakarana was installed in a temple . This ancient Saraswati temple at Dhar , now stands as a muslim Mosque made with broken temple stones, built in 1405 by Dilawar Khan.
Jawaharlal Nehru used his pull with Edwina but could NOT get this priceless statue of Goddess Saraswati to India .
Vararuchi's KATAPAYADI SYSTEM which he taught in the ancient Bhojsala university which is now a mosque.
Here is the Vararuchi system from Sanskrit verses . They are not bumpkin shepherd’s verses.
Vararuchi was a Mathematician from Kerala who taught at Bhoj Shala University inside the Saraswati Temple in 2860 BC .
Today this ancient university is a Muslim mosque--and Hindus are more worried about Babri masjid..
What is the value of Pi ?
O Lord anointed with the yogurt of the milkmaids’ worship (Krishna), O savior of the fallen, O master of Shiva, please protect me.
गोपीभाग्य मधुव्रातः श्रुंगशोदधि संधिगः
खलजीवितखाताव गलहाला रसंधरः
Gopibhagya madhuvrata srngisodadhisandhiga|
Khalajivitakhatava galahalarasandhara||
Kaṭapayādi system dictates that:
* As the first digit is 3, the first consonant must be one of ga, ḍa, ba, la
* As the second digit is 1, the second consonant must be one of ka, ṭa, pa, ya
* For the third digit to be 4, the third consonant must be one of gha, ḍha, bha, va…
So to fit 3.141592653589793…, the list of consonants in the verse must satisfy the regex
ga - 3 pii - 1 bhaa - 4 gya - 1 ma - 5 dhu - 9 ra - 2 ta -6 shru - 5 ga - 3 sho - 5 da - 8 dhi - 9 sa - 7 dha - 9 ga - 3 kha - 2 la - 3 jii - 8 vi - 4 ta - 6 kha - 2 ta - 6 va - 4 ga - 3 la - 3 ra - 2 sa - 7 dha - 9 ra – 2
pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832792
Grace and peace!
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