Sunday 23 October 2011



I am a sailor and have visited Libyan ports Misurata, Tripoli, Sidra,Benghazi several times over the past 4 decades. I don't need BBC or CNN to tell me how it was there.

Libya under Mohammad Gaddafi was a stable and happy country. Yes, indeed Gaddafi was a dictator, who liberated his country from a tyrant and puppet to the British and West -- King Idris Sanussi. Being a revolutionary himslef, he had his own form of democracy running, called Jamahiriya. He was NOT an active micro-manager.

A couple of my friends have served on ships flagged in Libya, with full Libyan crew. As early as the seventies SCI ( Indian National Shipping Company ) has an office in Libya.

Yes, Gaddafi stayed on the throne way too long--he was indeed guilty of that. But then has not the queen of England also been on the throne for too long?.

But most of the charges against him of funding terrorists and him being a blood drenched murderer and rapist is all bull. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist these days.

All the Libyans I spoke to were all praise for Gaddafi, nobody called him a tyrant or "mad dog" even in whispers, unless I by some strange coincidence spoke to all the people on the wrong side of the fence.

Libya was the most stable and most developed country in the continent of Africa. I have been to all the countries on the African coast with a coast line. 

Libya is a very rich country with enormous untapped oil reserves--excellent grade oil.

Before the uprising the standard of living and HDI in Libya was much higher than most of the white developed nations of the world.

Let me think of what made Gaddafi so popular with his country men.

He modernised the country , gave his subjects a high standard of living ( GDP 14200 USD ) , and all his countrymen were grateful.

They never mentioned that he was unstable and under delusion as per propaganda of NATO.

1) He was a constant thorn in the flesh of the West and it made the Muslims very happy-- as they were at the receiving end all over the world. He symbolised Muslim pride. I am a Hindu and I don't need to take sides.

2) He gave every newly wed sufficient money to build luxury homes.

3) Gaddafi made sure his people were literate, by sponsoring scholarships abroad. As many as 9% students went abroad. Even today the Libyan literacy percentage is 84% which is higher that most of the white Christian countries. There was hardly any literacy when he grabbed power 42 years ago.

4)All loans  given by Gaddafi to his subjects was a ZERO percentage interest, as prescribed by Islam, and there was no partiality.

5) There are so many cars in Libya because Gaddafi paid 50% of the cost.

6) Gaddafi gave FREE electricity to his subjects .

7) Gaddafi gave FREE health care to his subjects. He used his national resources to sent seriously sick people abroad for costly treatment.

8)Petrol and diesel was dirt cheap at 13 US cents--cheaper than water. This will never be the same again , as the West have now spread their tentacles and will siphon off Libya's oil, by putting grease money in the Rothschild's Swiss banks of new leaders who will all be puppets. As of today the gasoline is 32 times more expensive, than what it was 8 months ago.

9)All farmers who would produce were given FREE land, and equipment. Livestock was given free too.

10)On 1st July 2011 , 1.9 million people rallied in Libya expressing support to Gaddafi.  Videos and reports of the count are there all over internet. This was 1/3 of Libya's population.

11) The Central Bank of Libya was state owned , and NOT a Rothschild controlled bank or IMF stooge. All the countries of the world have Rothschild controlled branched except Libya, Syria, Iran, Cuba, and North Korea.  So Syria is next in line for decaptitation after Libya, then Iran, then North Korea.

12) Food and infrastructure was subsidised.

13) 70% of Libya's water supply is from a amazing but costly "man made river " devised by Gaddafi.

14) The women in Libya were free , without any dress codes. They could take up jobs anywhere.

15) There were NIL homeless people and destitutes in Libya.

16) The unemployment benefit was 735 USD.

17) Every new born is paid 7000 USD.

18) To open a business a one time financial assiatnce of 20000 USD.

19) Education was free throughout.

Gaddafi's dictator ship was a form of direct democracy, unlike Arabian oil rich kingdoms supported by the West, because they are their type of dictators.

If Gaddafi was indeed so unpopular with his people why has it taken NATO 8 months to dislodge him with rebels having superior weapons. Why did it take NATO more than 26.100 air missions and 150 US drone strikes, which killed thousands of civilians including women and children ?

The second biggest mistake he made was to try and start a new pan African currency THE GOLD DINAR, to upstage the Dollar and the Euro, in collaboration with Arab and African countries for oil transactions . Th real reason of revolution was NOT Libyan people's discontent , but IMF and Rothschild bankers discontent, who cannot tolerate plummeting Dollar and Euro.

The biggest mistake Gaddafi made was to warm up to friendly overtures of West leaders in the recent past and allow NGOs funded by foreign bankers into his country. A lot of security private agencies cropped up mysteriously.

So weeks before the invasion of NATO controlled rebels, a new National Central bank was created under the control of Rothschild bankers and IMF.  Are we to believe that uneducated rebels running around with huge NATO provided guns , screaming Allaho Akbar made this bank, in a jiffy?

There has been open ethnic cleansing of BLACK SKINNED PEOPLE by the NATO supported rebel forces all over Libya, which only the Wall Street journal had the guts to expose.

Black skinned people were hunted down and killed on the streets.

Even US President Obama did NOT want to rub the kingmakers Zionist Rothschild bankers the wrong way, and has kept quiet.

I remember when Obama became president of USA the Black man was so proud all over the world. They felt he would take care of the oppressed black man all over the planet in his watch.

Was it so damn difficult to notice single minded hunt and systematic massacre of blackskinned people by light skinned people over the past 3 months? 

Abandoned homes of black people have been scrawled with the Libyan equivalent of "niggers"by so called NATO's liberators.

Western field reporters are all guilty of war crimes, by their solidarity and complicity by silence. They have been sent there to report the truth, NOT subvert truth. 

Could they not see a pattern where black skinned cadavers were stripped of flesh using butchers knives , with blood on the mouths of some, indicating "forced cannibalism". Most black dead bodies had either signs of severe torture or were shot from behind at close quarters with hands tied.

Click on link above to see video of forced cannibalism. Women and children ( below 18 ) are not allowed to watch this.

But then being a BLACK MUSLIM does not make you a valuable citizen of this planet , manipulated by White Christians powers and Zionist bankers right?

Look into the video below only if you are stout hearted.

What a crying shame. UN, ICC, BBC, CNN --everybody have lost their sheen. All this will come out in another one month--just wait and see. The NTC ( National transitional council ) appointed by NATO are just puppets.

Africa was full of blacks before invaders came in. Even today the black Libyan citizen forms a sizable percentage of the population.

So the West have introduced democracy to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya , and saved the people , right.

Gaddafi's convoy was bombed by a French NATO aircraft. When he was caught, by the imperialist controlled rebels he asked them " Do you know right from wrong?"

These words will echo in Libya in future when Libyans see their precious oil getting stolen in front of their own eyes-- just wait and see.

The "father of modern Libya"  was given a official welcome in White house before he was killed like the "mad dog" on the street--in less than 2 years.

This hollow victory on paper, will rankle all Arabs, Africans and Muslims more than the Jerusalem massacre by Templar knights .

Qatar royal family funded Al Jazeera went one step ahead of all , to do propaganda that Gaddafi distributed Viagra to his soldiers to do mass rape.

To paint Gaddafi as a coward, the West gave propaganda that he was caught hiding in a drain hole like a rat-- , and one who begged shaking in fear " Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!"-- all bull..

“We strongly believe that the Libyan people today are inspiring the people in Tehran, Damascus, and even in Beijing and Moscow--  Libyans [...] continue to inspire the world and demonstrate that dictators can be overthrown replacing them with the freedom and democracy”.—Senator John McCain

"Do not fear your enemies, The worst they can do is kill you. Do not fear your friends, At worst, they may betray you. Fear those who do not care, They neither kill nor betray, but betrayal and murder exists because of their silent consent"-- -Bruno Jasienski

Amnesty International controlled by Zionists is now finished with Libya, and will concentrate on Syria as its next target, and the Iran. The Golan heights fresh water for Isreal has been secured already. Palestinian suffering is in its blind sector!

George Orwell's 1984 ( subordination to a collective greater good by Big Brother's incessant mind control  ) is now truly upon this planet. Ironically, wars protect the elite from notice and criticism not only because of the fact that they are diversionary, but because many “lowers” unconsciously compensate for their low position by becoming super patriots. As such, these people become valuable allies of the elite—without becoming aware of the fact that they are acting against their interests in so doing.

See video below, Gaddafi getting murdered on the streets.

The rebel crowd who murdered Muammar Gaddafi contained merceneries under the direct control of Jew French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who has enormous underhand financial dealings with him.  No need to repay, no need for beans to be spilled after a lie detector test and grilling in Kangaroo courts.


The wealth of the country flees the land
Like cottonseed on a wind
Blown by the fetid breath
Of money-pimps in Bedlam
Pursuing the creed of masters
Who worship a market freed
Of all restraints on greed -
While politicians posture
And feed on delusions of power

( by -- alfred mendez )


Reports have emerged that some bloodied bodies were found on the streets , with proper surgical incisions and missing kidneys -- .

It is better to be united in truth

Than to be united in error.  

It is better to tell the truth that hurts - then heals,
Than to tell a lie that heals then kills.  

It is better to be hated for telling the truth, Than to be loved for telling a lie.
It is better to ultimately win with the truth, Than to temporarily succeed with a lie.  

- US State Senator Edwin Gochenour (1953 1999)



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