On 21st Dec 2012, I foresee classical science marrying with quantum consciousness, with the advent of Kalki-- the Vishnu avatar. Also touted by the west as avatar , Lord Maitreya.
All humans on this planet will have to exercise their free choice, if they wish to upgrade their 2 strand 96% junk DNA to 12 strand NIL junk DNA.
I foresee an exodus people from all religions on this planet towards a way of life , towards Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism- the only religion without an agenda.
Hinduism has never advocated conversion, all are aware of this truth. The exodus has already started.
I can see some detractors smirking, why Hinduism of all the blessed religions? Is Hinduism not all about India and her snake charmers and saints ?
Well, the story of India is the history of religion. The more you know, the more you will fall in love with India and Hinduism .
Read on folks, this could be the turning point of your lives.
Sanatan Dharma is the original name of Hinduism. Hinduism is a recent term coined by the invaders.
SANATANA means " that which holds eternal Vedic knowledge"-- encompassing everything from microcosm to macrocosm.
DHARMA means " righteousness". Dharma leads to eternal bliss, both in this world and the next. It is your sole and soul companion after death. Human acts without conscience which creates conflict is called Adharma. This is the reason why India has never invaded any other country.
Dharma leads you on the path of self realisation. Dharma includes adhara or regulation of daily life as per your conscience and written Vedic laws.
The fundamentals of Dharma as per the Bhagwat Gita are-- respect, truth, grace, restraint, love, non-violence, restraint, lack of jealousy and greed, knowledge of self and austerity.
Hinduism is the mother of all religions. It is 11500 years old, while the next oldest religion is just 2500 years old. Its spiritual books the Vedas were written in Sanskrit 7000 years ago , when the rest of the world was doing grunt grunt for communications.
Sanatana Dharma respects the planet along with its flora and fauna. It is the only religion which advocates vegetarianism. Manu , the ancient law giver was a committed environmentalist. Manu wrote that polluting the environment was a punishable offence.
Manu’s laws in Manava Dharma Shastra , are in 100000 verses in 24 books and was propagated from Jerusalem to Urals to Vietnam in 7000 BC by the great Indian Emperor who ruled these lands. These laws were given 5300 years before Hammurabi who lifted wholesale from these laws, leaving aside kindness to the environment and social grace.
In Manu’s laws a person could be ex-communicated from society for mindless felling of tress or killing of animals, the way the English speaking white man shot the buffalo and exterminated the Indian American , or how the Australian Aborigine race was exterminated..
In Manu’s laws destruction of nature was the destruction of the state. Yet we Indians get lectured by the West daily, nowadays , on antipollution and the need to be environment friendly.
Hindu Vedas and mantras revere, nay , worship nature , and its flora and fauna. Many animals and birds were vehicles of god. The deities of Hinduism permeate the world of nature.
Earth is personified as Godess Bhudevi , the consort of Lord Vishnu- the preserver, the middle prong of Shiva’s Tamas Rajas (yin-yang) trishul . Mata Bumih Putroaham prithviahah. Earth is my mother and I am her son.
Earth is personified as Godess Bhudevi , the consort of Lord Vishnu- the preserver, the middle prong of Shiva’s Tamas Rajas (yin-yang) trishul . Mata Bumih Putroaham prithviahah. Earth is my mother and I am her son.
You don’t have to live in India to be a Hindu. You could be a Catholic living in England, as long as you have a conscience, live in harmony with nature , grateful for her natural bounties, do not dominate and harass other living beings, have inherent grace and know your “duties”.. You must understand that human beings are just but a link in this symbiotic chain of life and consciousness.
There can be NO inquisition in Hinduism. When the heroic Catholic Templar knights embraced Hinduism after excavating Solomon’s temple , they were burnt at the stake by the Vatican. If these knights wanted they could have run all over France and the Vatican. It was their new vegetarian “Pagan” faith which prevented them from doing so. By the way Jesus Christ became a vegetarian ( so was Mary Magdalene ) after he visited Kerala for learning meditation and healing.
You cannot be a Hindu heretic , because there is no standard set of dogmas in Hindu faith , written or unwritten, from which deviation could make you a heretic.
Openness is the essence of Hinduism.
Gratitude is inherent, which makes this religion noble . Example: A Hindu will never ever neglect his aged and vulnerable parents.
Divorce rate within Hindus is the lowest in the world--it is a mindset . Marriage is NOT based on lust, but by sacred commitment of 7 pheras around a holy fire. No Hindu woman will go for silicon implants to save her marriage.
A true Hindu will not exploit vulnerability. Hinduism does not allow you to breach a trust. When a Hindu says "thank you", he really means it. When a Hindu greets you with a Namaste, he bows to the greatness in you.
There is great tolerance to other cultures and spiritual paths. The heart of Hinduism is oneness and inclusivity..
The Vedic rishis had stressed, there are many paths to the final goal.
This is why Hinduism has a multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses. This is why Hinduism abjures all divides and separates. It happily embraces all different paths.
15% of the people on this planet are Hindu. It evolved in 9000 BC. In 7000 BC Hindu temples existed from Jerusalem to Urals to Vietnam-- during the benevolent rule of Aryan Indian king Emperor Vikramaditya.
Hinduism is a spiritual code. Know thyself is the quintessence.
It has no founder or a Supreme head. There is NO supreme middleman like the Pope who can canonise a human into a saint, by hoodwinking the unsuspecting masses.
It is a movement based on principles or evolved over time code of Dharma. It is a relentless pursuit of truth, flexible to suit all situations.
Hinduism does NOT care for individual leadership or hierarchy.
This is the wonder of Hinduism. I don't care to visit temples, I don't care to pray, yet--I am a believing and practising Hindu.
Hinduism is the world's oldest religion 11000 years old, when the white man's land was under the quaternary ice age sheets.
Yet, Hinduism is NOT a religion. It is a way of life.
This is a religion without fundamentals or lack of compulsions. You cannot get ex-communicated for NOT toeing the line.
This is why India has never attacked any other country in the past history, but has been invaded again and again and again . It is NOT that we did NOT know how to fight--our 6000 year old 3 metre long Kerala Urumi swords broke the sound barrier.
It is a faith so unique, that it gives space for every other religion. Hinduism has never claimed to be the only true religion.
Hinduism has never converted , by guile ( Christian missionaries ) or force ( Muslim ) -- nor has a army of missionaries , ramming it down unwilling throats.
I feel happy as a Hindu to meet people of other faiths, and converse with them, without being burdened by the conviction , that my religion is the best, and I have embarked on the right path, that every one else has missed.
Though we use the Bhagawat Gita to swear an oath, as set down by our British rulers in court-- we do NOT have a single holy book, like the Bible or Koran. Such has been the tolerance to deviant beliefs.
I am proud of the diversity, the range, and the lofty metaphysical aspirations of Vedanta.
The eternal truths in the Vedas were written by our great seers without junk DNA in their bodies and king sized resonating pineal glands. It is NOT mere speculation of guesswork.
At the heart of Hinduism remains mans' essential quest for union with the Absolute supreme.
Hinduism is based on reason and NOT faith--unless the faith is an extension of reason. It has its own beliefs, timeless traditions, ethics, rituals, philosophy and theology.
The Vedas evolved in 7000 BC, but was penned down in 5000 BC, on the banks of the Saraswati. It is NOT a set of preconceived ideas.
The fundamental deities are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. ( Creator/ preserver/ destroyer ) or Tamas/ Sattva Rajas of the Yin Yang trident.
Ancient India has survived over 12000 years, because Hinduism was developed along Spiritual lines, NOT materialistic lines.
Hinduism is a living organism-- a vast tree with countless branches.
For Sanatana Dharma , time is cyclic-like seasons. It is NOT linear like the concept of other religions, which made them focus on death rather than life and NOW..
Most Hindus believe in the doctrine of reincarnation. This is the belief that each of us has a soul and that our souls are involved in a cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Reincarnation is tied closely to the doctrine of karma. Karma is the belief that the actions during the previous life determine the conditions of each person's birth.
This is the only religion that has NOT reduced itself to one man, one book, one faith.
Hindus themselves prefer to use the Sanskrit term sanatana dharma for their religious tradition. Sanatana as “eternal moral order” encourages Hindus to seeks and moral truth wherever it might be found, each individual must realize this truth through his or her own systematic effort.
Hindu scripture, based on the insights of Hindu sages and seers, serves primarily as a guidebook. But ultimately truth comes to us through direct consciousness of the divine or the ultimate reality. as GOD. Hindus refer to it as Brahman.. (This is not to be confused with Brahmin meaning priest.)
In many religions truth is delivered or revealed from a divine source and enters the world through a single agent: for example, Abraham in Judaism, Jesus Christ in Christianity, and Muhammad in Islam. These truths are then recorded in scriptures that serve as a source of knowledge of divine wisdom: the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament of the Christian Bible, and the Koran.
In the Hindu tradition, by contrast, there is no single revelation, by which people may achieve knowledge of the divine or lead a life backed by religious law.
The Hindu tradition acknowledges that there are many paths by which people may seek and experience religious understanding and direction. It also claims that every individual has the potential to achieve enlightenment. .
Hinduism’s universal world-view and its willingness to accept and celebrate diverse philosophies, deities, symbols, and practices, makes it a religion that emphasizes similarities and shared characteristics rather than differences.
The Hindu tradition , unlike other religions --has always concerned itself with the human situation rather than the Hindu situation. Instead of basing its identity on separating Hindu from non-Hindu or believer from non-believer, Hinduism has sought to recognize principles and practices that would lead any individual to become a better human being and understand and live in harmony with dharma.
The distinction of dharma from the Western sense of religion is crucial to understanding Hindu religious identity Dharma is an all-important concept for Hindus. In addition to tradition and moral order, it also signifies the path of knowledge and correct action.
Because of Hinduism’s emphasis on living in accordance with dharma, anyone who is striving for spiritual knowledge and seeking the right course of ethical action is, in the broadest sense, a follower of sanatana dharma.
The chain of births and deaths—is called samsara.
Samsara is caused by a lack of knowledge of our true self and our resultant desire for fulfilment outside ourselves. We continue to embody ourselves, or be reborn, in this infinite and eternal universe as a result of these unfulfilled desires.
The chain of births lets us resume the pursuit. The law that governs samsara is called karma. Each birth and death we undergo is determined by the balance sheet of our karma—that is, in accordance with the actions performed and the dispositions acquired in the past.
Karma is a crucial Hindu concept. According to the doctrine of karma, our present condition in life is the consequence of the actions of our previous lives. The choices we have made in the past directly affect our condition in this life, and the choices we make today and thereafter will have consequences for our future lives in samsara.
This is why I can go for a function in Calicut and walk back home at midnight with my wife loaded with gold jewellery. The poor homeless sleeping on the street without food in their stomachs and no possessions other than a loincloth would not dream of attacking my wife.
An understanding of this interconnection, according to Hindu teachings, can lead an individual towards right choices, deeds, thoughts, and desires, without the need for an external set of commandments. Under the doctrine of karma, the ability to make choices remains with the individual.
The sacred fire serves as a witness to the vows exchanged between the bride and the bridegroom. Fire is the only thing on this planet which cannot be polluted. The sacrament of death calls for cremation (burning of the dead body), at the end of which the ashes are collected and deposited, usually by the sea side or in a river.
Hindu gods are regularly displayed with their female counterparts. Tantra involves the balancing of these two aspects—Shiva (representing consciousness) and Shakti (representing energy)—in a manner reminiscent of yin and yang.
Hinduism has neither a beginning or founder, nor a central authority, hierarchy, or organization. a. A further characteristic of Hinduism is the ideal of ahimsa. Ahimsa, “non-injury” or the absence of the desire to harm, is regarded by Indian thinkers as one of the keystones of their ethics. Historically, ahimsa is unrelated to vegetarianism
TOLERANCE: The Templar knights got converted to Hinduism ( PAGAN religion ) after laying their hands on the concealed Hindu literature in Malayalam and Sanskrit, from the underground vaults of King Solomon’s temple. They went into the Ahimsa mode ( non-violent ) . There is NO other explanation that hundreds of these ruthless marauding and seasoned knights allowed themselves to be tortured and burnt at the stake.
Jews have never been persecuted in Kerala over the millenniums. Hebrew religion and Hinduism co-existed, only because Hindus are tolerant . They absorbed the inherent greed and clannishness of a quintessential Jew , without retaliation or retribution. While the rest of the world targeted the Jews throughout the ages.
11000 years ago-- Hinduism gave this world :--
The consciousness of the double slit quantum experiment observer.
The principle of " mind over matter"
The principle of non-violence or Ahimsa..--and vegetarianism
Tamas Rajas ( Yin-Yang ) principle , of the cosmos
The unity in diversity of more than 3000 languages out of which 2000 exist even today, Cultural forms, Government business and modern education being conducted in 26 languages..
Energy and matter is convertible E= MC2 ( formula used to end the 2nd world war with Nuclear bomb --localised in Hiroshima and Nagasaki )
( it goes further to E=T MC2 as in Vedic BRAHMASTRA, for faster than light Tesla Scalar Interferometry-- formula to start and end World War 3 -- AND TOTAL ANNIHILATION ). Where T is 'delta T ' or change of time. When scalar beams hurtle through hyperspace the flow of time gets redirected temporarily.
That biological internet DNA which holds the intelligent force , cannot be destroyed-- mentioned in Rig Veda of 5000 BC as Tvatsa double helix coiled serpents, --to hell with Darwin
Zero point field, The Akasha or Ether and Scalar waves.
The Schuman resonance of 7.83 Hz or OM which triggers quantum tunneling and opens wormholes
The Sri Yantra which contains the elusive theory of everything--which is the FRACTAL geometric design of the universe, or the universal mind.
Vedic Nanotechnology from silver colloids for anti-viral medicine to mercury ions for flying saucers to self assembling conscious mantra triggered missiles to invisibility cloaks to waterbased homeopathy.
Multitude of Seers and sages, who have contributed to mankind.
The miraculous powers of MUDRA and Nadi channeling.
Ayurveda-- the holistic medicine
Sanskrit, the worlds oldest written language-- the only unambiguous computer language suitable for N-GRAM NLP and AskMSR
Mathematics of Aryabhatta in 2700 BC
Astronomy 8000 years ago
Quantum butterfly effect of a bloodless sacrifice of breaking a coconut with intention.
Tesla's Resonance and CV Raman's Soliton
Explanation of the Holographic nature of the universe--where every part is a whole.
Reprogramming and healing DNA blueprint with Mantras and Scalar longitudinal waves.
That matter is created by vibrations.
Resonating your pineal gland with a Black meteorite stone to speed up the 7 chakras .
The morphogenetic field of consciousness-- the most important thing on this planet--the brahmAn.
The morphogenetic field of consciousness-- the most important thing on this planet--the brahmAn.
The inwards BINDU singularity, balancing the outwards big-bang via Tamas-Rajas or Yin-Yang ( Sri yantra centre spot ). World's oldest architecture based on Sri Yantra vaastu in the form of majestic temples and Egyptian pyramids .
When a foreigner comes to an Indian Hindu Guru for mental solace, the first thing he tells them is NOT to give up their original religion. Some spiritual leaders like Sai Baba even gave this in writing by pamplets and posters.
It was NEVER to convert-- only to give away free.
It is NOT difficult for people to see that this mother of all religions is the only one, which does NOT have a hidden agenda.
Above Swami Vivekananda's memorable speech at Chicago on 11th Sept 1893, at the World Parliament of Religions
ABRAHAM who is common to Christianity, Islam and Judaism is BRAHMA, the creator god of Hinduism. Brahma's wife is Sarawati the goddes of learning . Sara is the wife of Abraham. Hindusim is 110 centuries old, while Christianity is 20 centuries old and Islam is 14 centuries old.
When super genius Indian Mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujan arrived at London,he was greeted by Professor Hardy. Hardy made a innocent remark that the number of the taxi , he came in is 1729-- a boring number.
Ramanujan looked at the number plate himself and replied casually in a knee jerk manner "No, actually it is a very interesting number. .It is the smallest natural number representable in two different ways as the sum of two cubes"
--and then this brilliant man told the equation on the spot
Today the West have recorded this as the HARDY-RAMANUJAN NUMBER.
Well Hardy listened damn well, right?
What a joke!
While on this subject-- ancient Vedic 12 strand Maharishis saw numbers as FRACTAL 3D GEOMETRY like our Sri Yantra. A 2 strand DNA person like you and me can never understand what this means. Such knee jerk response for 1729 by Ramanujan is possible only by beautiful minds who can see numbers as pictures.
The picture below gives some propaganda. These words are NOT there in the original Vedas. This Shudras being from the feet etc -- is all bullshit . This was added by the clever Brahmins , to cheat the public , and condone their HIGH HANDEDNESS-- that there have been given special powers over the rest by divinity.
Italian Fibonacci of 1200 AD is given the credit of the Golden ratio, while the Indian Sri Yantra ( which contains the TOE ) based on Golden ratio of 1.618 was drawn in 8000 BC --see video below.
The music notes SA RE GA MA PA DE NI is written down in Indian Sanskrit tests in 5000 BC and we have ancient Hindu temples with huge hollow pillars which resonate to these notes when struck with a stick. Then comes along a white Christian invader who steals it and patents it in his name in the from of DO RE MI FA TO LA TI , what should we call him, a great soul or a petty thief?
Punch into google search PERFECT SIX PACK – VADAKAYIL to find out how Italian Fibonacci stole his series and the golden mean of 1.618, and became a world hero.
The British made a big hue and cry when German Jew Sir Frederick William Herschel ( 1738-1822 ) "discovered " Uranus on March 13th 1781-- hi hi the stupid Indians never knew all this. . Indian Vedic astrology does NOT use Uranus (Shweta ) Neptune ( Shyama) Pluto ( Teevra )- as named in 7000 year old Vedas Vyasa Muni , just because they are too far away to affect your DNA and they stay in one single rashi for too long.
Ptolemy came to India in 155 AD, and he stole from the astronomical data from Surya Siddhanta (12.85-90) , the most significant being the diameters of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn . You must understand that these diameters were calculated accurately more than 6 millenniums ago when even the atmospheric refraction of earth was different.
Much later in 480 AD Pythagoras came to India and stole his theorem, from Arkonam.
Much later in 480 AD Pythagoras came to India and stole his theorem, from Arkonam.
Even today the speed of light calculated by most modern means is same as what was calculated in Surya Siddhantam 6000 years ago.
Punch into Google search AGNIHOTRA VADAKAYIL and get shocked out of your pants.
There are two paths in Hinduism.
One is the Advaita ( non-dual ) and the other is Dwaita ( dual ) philosophy of Sanatana Dharma.
The Advaita looks at God as brahmAn, the intelligent morphogenetic consciousness field -- the akasha ,the space between the electrons in an atom.
The Dwaita form looks at God as the trinity of creator Brahma , preserver Vishnu and destroyer Shiva alos known as Tamas -Rajas- sattwa. The modern world knows this as Yin-Yang .
Energy/ matter
Particle/ wave
Cathode/ anode
Conscious/ subconscious
Aerobic bacteria/ anaerobic
Catablism/ anabolism
Potential energy/ kinetic energy
Attraction/ repulsion
Excitation/ inhibition
Birth/ decay
Static / dynamic
Organic / inorganic
Freezing/ melting
Vaporization/ condensation
Positive pole/ negative pole
North pole/ southpole magnetic
Ionization/ de-ionistaion
Clockwise vortex/ counterclockwise vortex
Absorption/ secretion
Contraction/ relaxation
Evaporation/ condensation
Conscious/ Subconscious
Left brain lobe/ Right brain lobe
These dual poles are connected via consciousness. It is about the quantum possibility wave vibration between two poles. If the restraining balance or equilibrium is lost , the universe will spiral out of control and end. This guarantees change, growth and evolution Lessening of Yin- always results in increase of Yang and vice versa. One cannot exist without the other and they are mutually dependant . Balance can never be permanent— Yin and Yang continuously devour each other – and life flows on.
Could this 11000 year old Hindu religion be one invented by bumpkin shepherd's or by evolved seers?
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